Photo Credit: Simon Wiesenthal Center
The Simon Wiesenthal Center Issued its Top Ten Worst Anti-Semitic/Anti-Israel Incidents of 2014

Hungary’s political nexus has shifted to the far right, and many WWII fascist-era figures are being rehabilitated and celebrated as heroes. The anti-Semitic Jobbik party continues to gain political power and social influence. Over 550,000 Hungarian Jews perished in the Holocaust during the final year of WWII. 

SPREADING HATE IN ACADEMIA The global campaign to demonize and delegitimize Israel continues unabated in diplomatic, Church and academic circles. Their real impact is to hurt prospects for peace and to mainstream hate against Israel and her supporters. One exchange at a UC Berkeley forum, hosted by United Auto Workers (UAW) #2865, in November provides a devastating example.


A graduate student who identified herself as Latina, Jewish and pro-Israel said, “I really just get a strong sense of hatred coming from the voices and the language…I have to say it is very hard to listen to this and not think it has something to do with Jewish identity. The way you are talking is so aggressive and anti-Semitic.’’

Lara Kiswani, Executive Director of the Arab Resource and Organizing Center, who was promoting an ultimately successful anti-Israel boycott vote among UC graduate students retorted: “See, part of the problem with the Palestine question particularly on campus is it always gets framed as this two-sided thing and liberal democracy loves to make it seem like everyone has a right to speak…I don’t think that this form of democracy really has a place in terms of real struggle. Many liberal Zionists here on this campus have a hard time understanding what that means…As long as you choose to be on that side, I’m going to continue to hate you.” The Jewish student left the room in tears.

Many academics use their hallowed positions to pillory Israel and label the Jewish state as “a Colonialist mistake.” One instructor, Steven Salaita, an Arab American professor went beyond the pale for the University of Illinois at Champaign. Salaita has blamed Jews for anti-Semitism and has called for the destruction of Israel as well as the “de-colonization of America.”

Originally hired to teach American Indian Studies, the school cancelled his contract after reading Salaita’s rants like these he made on social media. “At this point if Netanyahu appeared with a necklace made from the teeth of Palestinian children, would anybody be surprised?” About American Jewish Youth, Salaita declared, “Every little Jewish boy and girl can grow up to be the leader of a murderous colonial regime.”  “WANTED TO MAKE DAMN SURE I KILLED SOME JEWS BEFORE I DIED” Frazier Glenn Cross Jr. a former KKK Grand Dragon, pulled up outside the Jewish community center and Jewish Home for the Aging in suburban Kansas City, Kansas, just before Passover. Cross later told a reporter that he, “Wanted to make damned sure I killed some Jews…before I died.” Within minutes, three people – none of them Jews – lay dead in the parking lot. In December, Cross, 74, was found competent to stand trial.  JEWISH KIDS BARRED FROM SPORTING GOODS STORE: “NO JEWS, NO JEWS” Of the hundreds of reported anti-Semitic incidents that took place in the United Kingdom in 2014, one of the most outrageous took place at a sporting goods store in Hertfordshire, when 7th graders wearing the uniform of the Yavneh Academy were refused entry by a security guard who told them, “No Jews, No Jews.”  The store chain eventually apologized and fired the guard.


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