Photo Credit: Tazpit News Agency
Damage to an Israeli public bus after rocks are hurled by Arabs. (archive)

In the wake of UN Security Council resolution 2334(2016), Arab terrorists are becoming even bolder, with stoning attacks against Israeli drivers escalating Monday even further.

Below is a list of some of the attacks that took place on Monday:


Arab terrorists smashed the windshield of an Israeli Egged bus in a stoning attack Monday night at the intersection of Uzi Narkiss and Neve Yaakov in Jerusalem. Miraculously, the driver managed to keep the bus moving, and none of the passengers were physically injured in the attack.

Arab sources reported an improvised explosive device was thrown at Israeli military forces Monday afternoon during operations near the northern entrance to the town of Bethlehem. No injuries or damage reported and all personnel returned safely to base.

A gang of some 15 Arab terrorists attacked a transport van filled with Jewish students on Monday morning. The van came under a hail of rocks as it was traveling the road north of the Adorim junction. None of the passengers were physically injured, but there was no word on whether the vehicle was damaged.

Terrorists also attacked an Israeli bus driver Monday late morning on the Gush Etzion-Hebron Highway, also known as Highway 60. The attackers hurled stones at the bus as it passed the Arab village of Beit Omar. None of the passengers were physically injured, but again, no word on damage to the bus. Beit Omar is known as a terrorist stronghold in the Judea region and a hotspot for stoning attacks on Israeli drivers.

There were more stoning attacks at midday on Israeli drivers traveling the Gush Etzion-Hebron Highway between Beit Omar and the junction to the Jewish community of Karmei Tzur, south of Gush Etzion, 20 minutes’ drive from Jerusalem. No one was physically injured, but at least one car was damaged in the attack.

Ten minutes after that attack, Arab terrorists were back on the same road, attempting to kill Israeli drivers by stoning. This time the ambush took place south of Beit Omar, and from an easterly direction. The driver whose car was hit reported no physical injuries to passengers in the vehicle, but the car was damaged.

Meanwhile, north of Jerusalem, Arab terrorists were stoning Israeli drivers between the Jewish community of Neve Tzuf and the community of Nahliel. No physical injuries were reported there.

In the Binyamin region, four terrorists were spotted as they were stoning Israeli drivers on the road between the Jewish communities of Beit El and Psagot. There were no physical injuries, but no word on damage to the vehicles.

Closer to Jerusalem in the early afternoon, terrorists hurled rocks at an Israeli bus traveling along Highway 443, known as the old Tel Aviv-Jerusalem Highway. The attack occurred near the A-Tira Bridge. No one was physically injured in the attack.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.