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Ukrainian edition of Goebbles' Diaries

The diaries of Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler’s Reich Minister of Propaganda from 1933 to 1945, will be published in Ukrainian, by the Kharkov-based Folio publishing house, Kharkiv Today reported.

Goebbels was one of Hitler’s close associates and most devoted followers, renowned for oratory skills and his virulent anti-Semitism. He was an advocated the extermination of the Jews in the Holocaust.


Russian news sources reporting the announced publication noted that in Russia the Goebbels diaries are included in the federal list of banned extremist materials, by a court order. This is in line with the Russian propaganda war against the western part of Ukraine, which Russia characterizes as being ruled by fascists. Russia has invaded and currently controls Ukrain’s eastern region, which, presumably, is less fascist.

The Goebbels memoirs cover the last years of his life. Aleksandr Krasovitsky, Folio’s CEO and owner, has stated that “this book is necessary for Ukrainian society.” As Folio printed on the Diaries’ back jacket: “The main ideologue of Nazism, the almighty minister of propaganda, for many years kept diary entries. Up to the beginning of 1945, these came to about 15,000 pages. Today they are included in a list of similar documents without knowledge and comprehension of which it is impossible to forge a complete idea of German national socialism. The diaries of 1944−1945 constitute the most valuable record of Goebbels’ life.”

Of course, there’s a big difference between those western Ukraine folks publishing the diaries in order to make sure his crimes will never be repeated, or for the opposite reason…


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