Photo Credit: Yossi Zeliger/FLASH90
Minister Danny Danon

Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon has written an unprecedented letter to PM Netanyahu, threatening to quit the government if more terrorists are released in the planned “4th round” set to take place on March 28, 2014.

Below is Danon’s letter, followed by a translation, and the list of terrorists set to be released.


To Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,

The government of Israel has agreed to release terrorists who have brutally murdered the sons and daughters of our state in order to advance negotiations with the Palestinian Authority. I, as you recall, have been among those that have expressed opposition to these steps. Those who have been supporting the release of terrorists claimed that this is a worthwhile price to pay for the hope of advancing peace with the Palestinians. Meantime, its become clear, as expected, the Palestinians took advantage, and not for the first time, our desire for peace and naiveté, to fool us. They pretended to negotiate and we released abominable terrorists.

But now this has reach a new peak: senior officials in the Palestinian Authority are openly admitting that this is a con job for the sole purpose of releasing prisoners, and the Palestinians have absolutely no desire to advance the peace process. More so – the president of the Palestinian Authority himself is not prepared to affirm that he will recognize the State of Israel as a Jewish state. Therefore, I expect from the government of Israel to tell the Palestinians and the whole world, “no more” and immediately announce that the release of terrorists stops this instant.

I have made a decision: I will not be part of the executive branch – the government – if it approves and carries through with the release of additional prisoners as part of the “4th round” that is supposed to take place on the 28th of this month. On the day the first terrorist is released from jail to freedom – I will present my resignation letter as Deputy Minister of Defense in the State of Israel.

I believe that you are aware of the difficult feelings of the public on this matter, and the significance that the release of terrorist-murderers will have on the strength of the State of Israel.

Danny Danon Deputy Minister of Defense

The following is the proposed list of terrorists, originally published by YNET, that are likely to be released in the upcoming round of terrorist releases on March 28, and their victim:

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