Photo Credit: Yossi Zeliger/FLASH90
Minister Danny Danon
Terrorist Arrested Town The Victim(s)
Karim Yunis 1/6/1983 Israeli Arab IDF Soldier Avraham Bromberg – 1981
Maher Yunis 1/18/1983 Israeli Arab IDF Soldier Avraham Bromberg – 1981
Bashir Hatib 12/27/1987 Israeli Arab Haim Taktok in Ramle. The body was hidden in concrete in the murders store.
Mahmoud Jibarin 10/8/1988 Israeli Arab Ahmed Jowarra
Samir Sarsawe 11/24/1988 Israeli Arab Threw a hand grenade in the Haifa city center in 1981
Ibrahim Ejabaria 3/3/1992 Israeli Arab Murdered 3 IDF soldiers near Kibbutz Gilad in 1992 (“Night of the Pitchforks”)
Yichia Agrriya 3/3/1992 Israeli Arab Murdered 3 IDF soldiers near Kibbutz Gilad in 1992 (“Night of the Pitchforks”)
Mohamad Jibarin 3/3/1992 Israeli Arab Murdered 3 IDF soldiers near Kibbutz Gilad in 1992 (“Night of the Pitchforks”)
Mohamad Eashor 2/18/1986 Eastern Jerusalem Murdered taxi driver David Caspi in Jerusalem
Samir Abu Naama 10/20/1986 Eastern Jerusalem
Mahmud Issa 6/3/1993 Eastern Jerusalem Commander of the terror cell that kidnapped and murdered Border Policeman Nissim Toledano
Naeel Salhab 9/27/1993 Eastern Jerusalem Participated in the kidnapping and murder of IDF soldier Yaron Chen
Mohamad Shmasna 11/12/1993 Eastern Jerusalem Murdered the children Lior Tubal and Ronen Karmani, taxi driver Rafi Doron, and IDF soldier and Oleh from Canada, Yehoshua Friedberg
Abed Shmasna 11/12/1993 Eastern Jerusalem Murdered the children Lior Tubal and Ronen Karmani, taxi driver Rafi Doron, and IDF soldier and Oleh from Canada, Yehoshua Friedberg
Mohamad Daud 8/12/1987 Kalkilya Threw a fire bomb on the Mozes family car, murdering Ofra and her daughter Tal
Jumaah Adam 10/31/1988 Ramallah Threw a firebomb on a bus, murdering Rachel Weiss, her three children, and IDF soldier Daved Delarosa who tried to save them from the fire.
Mohamad Harbish 11/3/1988 Jericho Threw a firebomb on a bus, murdering Rachel Weiss, her three children, and IDF soldier Daved Delarosa who tried to save them from the fire.
Raed Sadi 8/28/1989 Jenin
Hussani Swalacha 12/2/1990 Shechem Murdered Baruch Heisler on Bus 66 in Ramat Gan
Fares Barod 3/23/1991 Gaza Murdered Mordechai Roitman and wounded 3 more in a Hadera store.
Diya Al-Faluju 10/12/1992 Gaza Murdered Amatzia Ben-Haim in Ganei Tal
Mohamad Flana 11/29/1992 Ramallah Murdered Yehudit Osterman in Dolev with a roadside bomb.
Nasser Abu Sror 1/4/1993 Beit Lechem Murdered Shabak officer Haim Nachmani
Mahmoud Abu Sror 1/5/1993 Beit Lechem Murdered Shabak officer Haim Nachmani
Ala Al-Carchi 12/17/1993 Hebron


Here is a link to the list of terrorists released in the “3rd Round”, and their victims.

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