Photo Credit: screen capture
Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Denmark's Prime Minister. Feb. 15, 2015

In addition, Denmark’s government funds flow into its Middle East conduits such as DanWatch and DanChurchAid, which Steinberg said “are centrally involved in poisonous BDS campaigns.”

Steinberg said that DanWatch “harasses anyone doing business with Israel, using entirely false allegations of human rights abuses.”


So in the guise of “doing good” for the poor Palestinian Arabs, Denmark has been funding entities whose raison d’être is to encourage not only the Arabs in the Middle East but those in Denmark as well, to demonize Jews and Israel.

“Under the facade of human rights, all of these groups do highly visible anti-Israel advocacy in Denmark, contributing to the environment of hate and violence,” is how NGO-Monitor’s Steinberg put it.

That is the kind of crucible in which Omar Abdel el-Hussein, the 22 year-old Danish terrorist who shot many and killed two people last Saturday, including Dan Uzan, was forged.

So unless the Danes are willing to do what Netanyahu urged, which is to join together with Israel and like-minded nations to fight cross-border oozing terrorism, there will be more crocodile tears for dead Jews in Denmark.

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Lori Lowenthal Marcus is a contributor to the A graduate of Harvard Law School, she previously practiced First Amendment law and taught in Philadelphia-area graduate and law schools. You can reach her by email: [email protected]