Photo Credit: MyMDBand

( Christian aid organization GAiN Germany has contributed $9,900 to MyMDband’s campaign, which will buy 275 medical bracelets that can be accessed using any standard smartphone.

MyMDband is a medical emergency bracelet (patent pending) that provides medical personnel with instant access to a person’s critical medical information. The bracelet can be accessed using any standard smartphone, no special app required, and it works anywhere around the world. When the bracelet is accessed the medical information is automatically translated into the caregiver’s language, avoiding misunderstanding and saving valuable time, which can be a matter of life and death. Using the smartphones built-in GPS, emergency contacts are automatically notified with their loved ones’ location.


MyMDband is crowdfunding on Crowdmii, a new crowdfunding platform for innovative Israeli start-ups. MyMDband aims to provide their medical bracelets for free, for life, to Holocaust survivors living in Israel, many of whom suffer from multiple medical conditions and require assistance.

In conjunction with United Hatzalah, an Israeli emergency medical services organization, all revenues from this campaign will go directly to providing bracelets for survivors as well as have volunteers visit them on a regular basis and monitor their health.

Now GAiN Germany has contributed $9,900 to MyMDband’s campaign, which will buy 275 medical bracelets. This contribution was pledged through Helping Hand Coalition (HHC), a nonprofit that serves as the local Israeli representative of GAiN and other humanitarian organizations.

Elly Gorodetzer, Co-Founder & CEO of MyMDband, thanked GAiN and the HHC for their support, and called “on others who are passionate about these issues to join our campaign. Our goal is to make our lifesaving bracelets accessible to everyone, everywhere and help save as many lives as possible.”

Luke Gasiorowski, VP and COO of HHC, said: “It’s powerful to see today’s Christians, especially from Germany, standing with Israel as well as taking an active role in supporting Holocaust survivors in the Jewish State of Israel. The Holocaust survivors have been through so much. They are an exceptional and rare people, and even at their elderly age they still have an important role to play in bringing people from around the world together with Israel. As a Millennial, I feel privileged to still have Holocaust survivors here to share their experiences first hand, and it is our responsibility to provide them the proper help, support and care they need.”

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