Photo Credit: Courtesy
Mayor Nir Barkat giving Jonathan Pollard his Jerusalem gold pin during a visit to NY in Sept 2016.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat send a congratulatory letter to President-Elect Donald Trump.

Barkat reminded Trump of his promise to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, “In your term as President, I am confident that you will continue to empower our city by reaffirming its sovereignty and moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem.”


In a handwritten note on the official letter, Barkat added “Mazal Tov Mr. President!”

Dear President-Elect Trump,

On behalf of the city of Jerusalem, I am writing to congratulate you on your victory. I am certain you will lead the American people with dignity towards a bright future for the United States.

The United States has been the most important ally of the State of Israel and the Jewish people. This steadfast alliance is based on our shared values of freedom and democracy.

You have been a dedicated friend of Jerusalem, the capital of the State of Israel and the heart and soul of the Jewish people, and for that I thank you. In your term as President, I am confident that you will continue to empower our city by reaffirming its sovereignty and moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem.

I look forwards to your support as we continue to build and develop the city of Jerusalem for all its residents. Together, we will ensure a successful and vibrant future for Jerusalem and the United States,


Nir Barkat
Mayor of Jerusalem

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat’s letter to President-Elect Donald Trump – Nov. 9, 2016

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