Photo Credit: Miriam Alster/Flash90
Naftali Bennett

Shortly after it had become clear that Republican nominee Donald Trump had won the US presidential election Wednesday morning, Israeli Education Minister Naftali Bennett (Habayit Hayehudi) congratulated the winner, noting that he is certain “the special connection between the United States and Israel will be preserved and even enhanced.”

Bennett added that the Republican’s victory also means “the victory of the country’s interest over the interests of the elites which are crumbling before our eyes.”


According to Bennett, “Trump’s victory offers Israel a tremendous opportunity to announce that it changes its mind regarding establishing a State of Palestine in the heart of our country.”

“The era of the Palestinian State is over,” Bennett said.

MK Yehuda Glick (Likud) posted on his Facebook page Wednesday morning that “it appears the American people have rejected hypocrisy and political correctness and preferred straight forwardness instead.”

He then sent Trump the three-verse Priestly Blessing from Jerusalem, and wished him to be able “to ascend to the Temple Mount and lead from that source of the world’s energy a dialogue of reconciliation and global peace.”

Glick also invited Trump to come and visit Judea and Samaria and “see with his own eyes that the settlement enterprise is the real avenue for peace.”

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