Photo Credit: Flash 90
Israeli soldiers and security personnel protect Jews in Silwan Valley.

More than two dozen Jews under heavy police escort moved into six more homes purchased by a Jewish investment company in Silwan Valley, including the City of David complex, in eastern Jerusalem Monday night.

A group of Arabs hurled firecrackers and stones at police in a failed attempt to enter one of the buildings, and one policeman was treated at the scene for head wounds.


Three of the homes are located in the City of David complex, located on the road opposite the Dung Gate that is the entrance to the Western Wall Plaza. At least one of the other homes is situated near the ancient Silwan Pool.

The Jewish Press has learned that approximately two dozen youth moved into the newly-purchased homes as part of a strategy to show an immediate presence prior to families moving in.

One of the youth, “A.” said he is part of a group of four young men who are in the two-story house near the Silwan Pool. He described the house as “very beautiful” and recently renovated. “A” added there was no violence and that the group intends to stay there for another day or two.

One resident of City of David said there is a long waiting list of families waiting for buildings to be purchased by Jews.

The leftist camp, backed by the European Union and Obama administration, has continuously protested the presence of Jews in the Arab neighborhood.

Jews, including a large group from Yemen, lived in the Silwan area decades ago but were forced out by the British during the period of the Mandate even though properties were purchased by Jews.

The City of David organization keeps its lips shut tight on how buildings are bought, and the recent purchases are no exception.

Its spokesman Ze’ev Orenstein told The Jewish Press that the organization was not “directly involved” in the purchases, which were carried out by the Kendell Financing company.

Kendell’s lawyer Avi Segal told The Jewish Press, “Kendell Finance is a company that deals with property and investments. The company chose to invest in buildings in Jerusalem that were bought legally.”

All other questions to Segal and Orenstein were met with a wall of silence, which is the smartest strategy because anything they say will be held against them by Peace Now, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and anyone else who cannot stand to see Jews violating the sacred principles of the holy ”peace process” that demands the expulsion of Jews from the same neighborhood from which the British once expelled them.

Al sources are mum on the purchase price of the homes and the whereabouts of the previous Arab owners.

It is widely accepted that the buildings fetch a hefty price, especially since the Arab sellers know that Jews are willing to pay through the nose to return to the area.

The Arab sellers usually operate through a third party to protect themselves and their families from their brethren who consider them traitors for selling to Jews.

The Obama administration can be expected to frown on the new purchases in Silwan Valley.

Let them frown.

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Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu is a graduate in journalism and economics from The George Washington University. He has worked as a cub reporter in rural Virginia and as senior copy editor for major Canadian metropolitan dailies. Tzvi wrote for Arutz Sheva for several years before joining the Jewish Press.