Fatah Central Committee Member Nabil Sha’ath said that despite his belief that the Israeli-Palestinian Authority “peace talks” failed, but the PA will remain in the discussions to force Israel to release terrorist prisoners.

“We have committed to negotiations for a period of nine months, and by then we hope to see all 104 of our prisoners released,” Sha’ath, a close adviser to PA President Mahmoud Abbas, told Maariv.


Israel has released half of the 104 Palestinian terrorist prisoners it said it would free in four stages as part of the negotiations. The Netanyahu government also stated that the reason for spacing out the releases was to make sure the Palestinian Authority would not continue to incite terror and would hold by the agenda in the discussions. The Cabinet approved the second batch of murderers for release last month despite Abbas having explicitly exalted terror several times and despite a series of terrorist attacks that killed four Israelis and wounded others.

At this rate, the talks will end around April, and the Palestinian Authority will have won its objective of getting all of the terrorists out of jail.

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