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Herzliya is an upscale coastal city where numerous corporate headquarters and hotels are located.

Security forces in Herzliya are hunting for an Arab suspect believed to be planning a terror attack somewhere in the upscale coastal city.

Herzliya is home to a major industrial zone where numerous international corporations maintain their headquarters.


This search, however, is unrelated to the manhunt that continues in metropolitan Tel Aviv as police there search for the gunman who killed two and wounded eight others last Friday at a café on Dizengoff Street.

Police and other security personnel warn that Nashet Melhem, 31, is armed and dangerous and is still at large; and although they believe he is hiding somewhere in the north Tel Aviv neighborhood of Ramat Aviv, they are not sure exactly where.

The suspect believed to be hiding in Herzliya is described as a young man in his 20s who drove to the center of the city, where he abandoned his vehicle.

There are conflicting reports about the suspect having evaded a police checkpoint in Jerusalem: Israel Police spokesperson Micky Rosenfeld told, “I’m not familiar with [reports that the suspect was] evading a checkpoint.”

He is reportedly a resident of the Jerusalem neighborhood of Tzur Baher. The suspect allegedly argued with his father prior to leaving the family home, saying he was planning an attack.

“There is heightened security in the Herzliya area,” said, Israel Police spokesperson Micky Rosenfeld, who confirmed that forces are “searching for an east Jerusalem man in the Herzliya area. Police units are patrolling the streets,” he said.

Herzliya Mayor Moshe Fadlon ordered increased security at schools, kindergartens and other high-population sites as well. Police have asked the public to contact the “100″ hotline if they see anything or anyone who appears suspicious.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.