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Ahed Tamimi and her mother hitting an IDF soldier who was afraid to be punished if he responded

Palestinian Authority Chariman Mahmoud Abbas on Monday received the family of blonde teen Ahed Tamimi, from the village of Nabi Saleh, at his “presidential headquarters” in Ramallah, WAFA reported. Tamimi, who has been attacking IDF soldiers for years, taking advantage of their restraint under the army’s rules of engagement and of her young age, which would have made any soldier’s response in kind fodder for the anti-Israel media, is in custody, as is her mother, Nariman, awaiting their trial for their attack in December 2017.


According to WAFA, Abbas “commended the courage of Tamimi and her family in facing the Israeli occupation,” saying these actions reflect “Palestinians’ holding onto their land.” Indeed, if the chairman’s strategy is to attack the IDF and expect soldiers to stand upright and be hit, victory is assured.

The hearings that were scheduled to take place in the case against Ahed and Nariman Tamimi Tuesday were postponed by one week. Both will remain behind bars until the end of the proceedings.

Ahad Tamimi was arrested the day after the video was distributed on social networks, where the females of the family are seen pushing, kicking and slapping two soldiers, who refrain from responding.

Aside from the incident in Nabi Saleh, the indictment against Tamimi, submitted to the Military Juvenile Court in Judea, relates to five separate incidents, including 12 counts of attacks on a soldier in aggravated circumstances, disturbing a soldier, disturbing public order, incitement, threats and throwing stones.

A proud Chairman Abbas on Monday told the Tamimi warriors who are not currently in jail that “nonviolent resistance is a powerful weapon that exposes the Israeli occupation’s fabrications and shows the world its brutality.”

Perhaps, but ask any cop or soldier from Ferguson to Beijing how they would have reacted to a screaming teen kicking and slapping them the way the little blonde monster has done to IDF soldiers since she was ten, and you’ll learn a thing or two about how sane security forces deal with her kind of “nonviolent resistance.”

Abbas also said the girl and her mother’s behavior demonstrates “Palestinians’ right to self-determination and establishing an independent state like the rest of the world.”

Seriously? This is how a people convince the world they have the right to responsible self-rule? Good luck with that one, Mr. Chairman.

The Tamimi family expressed appreciation for Abbas’ “policies to attain freedom and independence,” because, let’s face it, there are a lot of beautiful, shared values there.

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