Photo Credit: Twitter screenshot
Soldiers and settlers celebrate Purim in Huwara, March 6, 2023.

IDF soldiers were recorded on Monday––Megillah night––dancing with settlers in Hawara. The army is very upset and an investigation will ensue.

As usual, it all began when Israel retaliated – in this case Jewish settlers who went down to the nest of murderers Huwara Monday night after local Arabs threw stones at four Israeli vehicles. One of the Israeli vehicles damaged by stones belongs to the brother of the grandfather of the Hallel and Yagel Yaniv from nearby Har Bracha, who were murdered by a drive-by shooter in Huwara two weeks ago.


In response, a group of Jewish settlers, who were clearly unfamiliar with the turning-of-the-other-cheek doctrine being practiced everywhere else in the world, went down to the village and threw stones at Arab vehicles. They were joined at some point by an IDF force. According to a security source cited by Kan11 News, three Arabs were lightly injured by the stones, and one was from tear gas that was used by the Army.

And then, at some point, all the Jews on the scene, settlers, and soldiers remembered it was Megillah night and started dancing, a celebration that continued for an hour and a half. The IDF was not amused and released a statement saying, “The conduct of the soldiers is not consistent with what is expected of soldiers in operational activity,” and noting that the circumstances are being investigated.

To remind you, back when the Esther plot unfolded, it ended with reports such as this one (Esther 9:16): “The rest of the Jews in the king’s provinces … disposed of their enemies, killing seventy-five-thousands of their foes; but they did not lay hands on the spoil.”

WAFA reported that “settlers, backed by military forces, stormed the outskirts of the at-Tira neighborhood and performed Talmudic rituals there.”

Talmud away, boys…

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