Photo Credit: Courtesy
Matt Brooks (L) and Mark Mellman

Republican Jewish Coalition’s CEO Matt Brooks and Democratic Majority for Israel’s CEO Mark Mellman this week released the following joint statement:

Democratic Majority for Israel and the Republican Jewish Coalition rarely see eye to eye.


But today we are united in condemning Iran’s unwarranted, indiscriminate, and disproportionate attack against Israeli civilians—Jewish and Arab. Iran has been making war against Israel for six months through proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah. Yesterday Iran made war against Israel directly.

We also agree that Congress has an important role to play at this moment. President Biden, Speaker Johnson, Leader Schumer, Minority Leader McConnell, and House Minority Leader Jeffries all support much-needed aid for Israel. Democrats and Republicans in the Senate came together to pass that aid months ago.

Democratic Majority for Israel and the Republican Jewish Coalition both believe the House of Representatives must also pass an emergency supplemental that can be signed by the President.

History will not forgive the failure of Congress to act. Let’s get it done!

Messiah is around the corner? Heck, he’s practically here. Although the sages have taught us that Messiah will most certainly not show up on the eve of Pesach (Psachim 13a): “The Jewish people have already been assured that Elijah will come neither on a Friday nor on the eve of a Festival, due to the toil of preparing for the upcoming holy day.”

Now, that’s being considerate.

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