Photo Credit: eBay Israel Facebook page
eBay Israel promotional image

Ebay has launched an Israeli tax calculator, available for use on the company’s website and on its Facebook page via a chat bot. The online trading giant is also calling on Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon to raise the level of the duty exemption for online shopping. Both messages were delivered by eBay President and CEO Devin Wenig to the economic press during his first visit to Tel Aviv.

The calculator launched by eBay shows cost of the product purchased online and the customs and taxes added in Israel.


According to eBay, the biggest obstacle to online shopping in Israel today is customs duties. The exemption in Israel is up to $75 – about half of the world average and far less than in the US, where the exempted amount is $800, and in Australia – $756. Israel’s exemption is also lower than the average in the EU, Singapore, Latin America, Iran, Indonesia, Vietnam, Jordan, and Ethiopia.

According to Elad Goldenberg, director of eBay’s business in Israel, the Jewish State ranks among the top 15 countries in buying and selling online. A product is purchased online in Israel every 2 seconds, and the number of Israeli online buyers has grown by 100% over the past five years.

The products Israelis are most attracted to online are smartphones, then wristwatches, running shoes and laptops.

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