Photo Credit: NNA
Russian Ambassador to Lebanon Alexander Rudakov with Hezbollah ‘dignitaries’ on October 14, 2023.

According to Russian Ambassador to Lebanon, Alexander Rudakov, the conditions along the border separating Lebanon and Israel are worsening, the Rossiya-24 TV channel reported Wednesday.

When asked to comment on the situation on the Lebanon-Israel border, Ambassador Rudakov said, “The situation in southern Lebanon is steadily deteriorating as the parties have clearly stepped up attacks against each other.”


He noted that “armed clashes have been reaching a more alarming level over the past few days,” and “strikes are being carried out on areas far from the border,” adding: “Unfortunately, the overall outlook is negative at this point.”


According to Rudakov, Lebanon’s southern areas “can already be described as a kind of a dead zone. Not only were dozens of Lebanese citizens forced to leave these areas, but in fact, they have nowhere to return to because most residential buildings have either been destroyed or require major repairs.”

His excellency had nothing to say about the 80,000 Israeli civilians who had to be evacuated in November 2023 after Hezbollah began targeting them with accurate rocket fire.

On October 14, 2023, only one week after the Hamas atrocities against innocent Israeli civilians, the Lebanese national news agency reported that Rudakov visited the shrine of Sayyed Abbas Al-Moussawi in the town of Nabi Sheet, where he was received by Hezbollah dignitaries.

Ambassador Rudakov laid a floral wreath on the shrine, and toured around it, expressing his admiration for “the nations that glorify their martyrs.”

Well, occasionally those nations can turn into dead zones if they’re not careful…

Touching on the “tragic incidents in Gaza,” the ambassador told his terrorist hosts that “the Israeli aggression against Gaza and the land, sea, and air siege on it are consistent with President Putin’s description that it resembles the siege of Leningrad, which is an unacceptable aggression from an ethical and humanitarian standpoint.”

Every time I report on some Russian official’s attempt to preach ethics and humanitarianism I spray my coffee so hard, I have to keep a stock of new keyboards to stay in business.

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