Photo Credit: Twitter screenshot
The damaged tarmac at Aleppo Airport, October 12, 2023.

The international airport in the city of Aleppo in Syria was attacked Saturday night with two missiles, taking it out of commission. Syrian state television reported: “Israeli attack at the international airport of Aleppo, northern Syria.” Following the attack, the airport, which was renovated on Friday, was shut down. No injuries were reported, only damage to the tarmac.

According to Assad-aligned media outlets, a combined Israeli strike was carried out on Thursday at both Damascus International Airport and Aleppo International Airport. The Syrian Ministry of Transport said the two airports were out of commission due to the attack. The ministry reported that its teams began uncovering the damage caused to the takeoff and landing strips and clearing the ruins to make them functional again.


Iran’s foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian was scheduled to land in Syria last week but ended up returning to Tehran. Abdollahian did show up in Beirut a day later to announce that Iran was behind the Hamas murderous attack on women, children, and babies a week ago.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed that striking Damascus and Aleppo international airports was a warning message to prevent Iranian aircraft from landing at the airports and was not related to the shelling of the occupied Golan.

Flights were turned to Latakia airport, hours after the two airports were targeted. SOHR sources confirmed that the two targeted airports had not witnessed any arrival of military shipments for the Iranian militias, and the Israeli attacks put both airports out of service.

Khmeimim Air Base outside Latakia in northwestern Syria is operated by Russia and is part of the Russian military contingency there. It is likely that the Iranian foreign minister landed there and rode by car on the shore highway to Beirut. This puts Russia squarely on the side of the Hamas murderers.

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