Photo Credit: Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90
Members of the Islamic Jihad spray disinfectant in the streets of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, March 26, 2020.

A rocket that was fired at Sderot Friday night fell in an open field. No other rockets followed and the IDF retaliated with a strike on Hamas infrastructure.

The organizers of the Gaza border fence demonstrations announced on Saturday the cancellation of the protest rallies scheduled for Monday on the occasion of Land Day, March 30, when, in 1976, the Labor government the expropriation of thousands of acres for state purposes gave rise to a general strike and marches in Arab towns from the Galilee to the Negev, resulting in the killing of 6 Israeli Arabs.


In Gaza, the organizers called on the public to hoist Palestinian flags instead, burn Israeli flags and stand at attention during a siren.

Add another #Coronavirusbennefit to the list.

Nine coronavirus patients have been officially diagnosed in the Gaza Strip so far.

Palestinian Authority
In the Palestinian Authority, 88 coronavirus patients have been diagnosed so far. One, a woman, died and 18 recovered. The PA has closed the main road from Hebron to Bethlehem with concrete barricades in an attempt to prevent the spread of the virus.

In Israel, 425 new patients have been identified by Shabbat morning, bringing the total number of infected Israelis to 3,460, with 12 dead and 89 recovered. The death rate in Israel has risen to 1 in 1 million.

The US recorded 9,551 new cases on Saturday, with 207 new deaths, bringing the overall number of fatalities from the disease 1,903. The US leads the rest of the world in recorded infections – 113,677. The death rate in the US is 6 in 1 million.

The number of coronavirus cases in New York City climbed above 26,000 on Friday, and the city’s death toll stands at 450. According to the NYPD, more than 500 officers have tested positive, and more than 4,000 officers – 11% of the uniformed force – were home sick on Friday.

President Trump said on Saturday that he might impose a quarantine on New York, New Jersey and parts of Connecticut to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

Italy recorded 5,974 on Saturday, with 889 new deaths. The death rate in Italy is 166 per 1 million.

Spain recorded 6,529 new cases, with 674 new deaths. The death rate in Spain is 124 per 1 million.

China recorded 54 new cases, with 3 dead. The death rate in China is now 2 per million.

The UK has seen 2,546 new cases as of Saturday, with 260 new deaths. The death rate in the UK is now 15 per million.

There have been 642,220 cases of the coronavirus planet-wide, with 29,908 dead and 139,540 recovered.

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