Photo Credit: Credit: Otzma Yehudit
Demolition of illegal homes in Jerusalem continues.

On Tuesday, eastern Jerusalem Arabs called for a strike to protest the demolition of twelve illegal buildings (Jerusalem Arab Protest Organizers: Strike Breakers Will Be Treated Firmly and Forcefully). So, on Wednesday, government bulldozers went out again to carry out their mission.


The National Security Even released a statement saying, “Today, the project of enforcing the law on illegal construction in eastern Jerusalem by the Israel Police and municipal inspectors continued, in keeping with the instructions of Minister Itamar Ben Gvir.

“Today, demolitions are taking place in the Abu Tor and Al Muntar neighborhoods in the city. The enforcement project is spread over all the neighborhoods in the eastern part of the city, and in previous days, the forces focused on the neighborhoods of Jabel Mukabar, Ras Al Amud, and Suahra.”

National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir announced on Wednesday: “Governing is the order of the day, and homes will be built only according to the law in eastern Jerusalem, too. There’s a law and there’s order, and it’s important that every Israeli citizen, no matter who, knows there will be enforcement and no one will be allowed to break the law.”

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