Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Im Tirzu student activists at a Hebrew University anti 'Nakba' rally, May 14, 2014.

Hebrew University Professor Amiram Goldblum called student activists from the Zionist Im Tirtzu organization “Nazi dogs” and threatened to block them from being accepted into advanced degree studies, Makor Rishon reported Friday.

Goldblum, an outspoken critic of Israel who serves on the public council of the New Israel Fund, made the remarks in the comment section of an article about a new website launched by Im Tirtzu that lists Israeli professors who teach at publicly funded universities while engaging in anti-Israel activity.


“The Nazi dogs at Im Tirtzu can’t do anything to me,” Goldblum wrote. “Now I promise – I will photograph every Im Tirtzu scum on campus and will publicize their names as much as I can, so that teachers know who they shouldn’t accept into advanced degree studies.”

Dozens of Hebrew University students affiliated with Im Tirtzu were shocked to learn of Goldblum’s remarks, and submitted a formal complaint to the university.

The university condemned the remarks, but stated: “Hebrew University is not responsible for the remarks made by its professors and it is not its role to deal with them, so long as the academic podium is not being exploited to disseminate these ideas. In this instance, the University Rector made it unequivocally clear to Prof. Goldblum that he cannot act this way towards the students.”

Despite the rector’s warning, Goldblum said that if a student enters his classroom wearing an Im Tirtzu T-shirt, he would refuse to continue teaching and “call security.”

“Im Tirtzu’s intention is to harm professors, and I am unwilling to speak in such an atmosphere created by Im Tirtzu activists, and that is what I told the university administration,” Goldblum said.

Yuval Brami, Im Tirtzu’s Hebrew University branch coordinator, called Goldblum’s remarks “outrageous” and accused the university of turning a blind eye.

“It is outrageous that a professor at Hebrew University would dare to prevent students from studying in his class over their personal views and social affiliation,” Brami said. “What’s even worse, is the fact that the University does not see fit to deal with this issue at all.”

MK Keti Shitrit (Likud) called Goldblum’s remarks a “red line” and asked to be informed of any further developments in this affair.

Matan Peleg, CEO of Im Tirtzu, said that Goldblum’s actions are reminiscent of a “tyrannical regime” that tries to stifle different opinions and freedom of expression.

“Every student has the right to voice his or her support for Israel and IDF soldiers. It is a disgrace for anyone to try and shut this down,” Peleg said.

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