Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Customers on the sidewalk at the Kadosh Cafe Patisserie in Jerusalem, May 27, 2020.

The wave of dropping the Chief Rabbinate kosher supervision continues in Jerusalem, as more and more restaurants and cafes prefer to move to other kashrut organizations, Kol Ha’Ir reported on Sunday (גל נטישת הרבנות בירושלים נמשך: “קפה קדוש” במרכז העיר עבר לכשרות צהר). The latest kosher joint to jump ship is the popular Café Kadosh Patisserie, which has been operating on Shlomtsiyon HaMalka Street in downtown Jerusalem since 1967 – its owners have decided to leave the rabbinate service and move to the Tzohar system.

Tzohar is an Israeli organization of over 800 religious Zionist Orthodox rabbis that aims to bridge the gaps between religious and secular Jews in Israel. In 2017, Tzohar opened a private kosher certification service, in an effort to challenge the Chief Rabbinate’s monopoly. Tzohar opened their agency after another private organization, Hashgacha Pratit, agreed to close and move their organizational infrastructure over to Tzohar. The head of Hashgacha Pratit, Rabbi Aaron Leibowitz, helped arrange and facilitate the transfer to the new organization, and the head of Hashgacha Pratit, Rabbi Oren Duvduvani, moved across to head the new service.


Café Kadosh owner Keren Kadosh explained on her Instagram account that “nothing has changed for us. We work with the same suppliers and with the same products.”

Kadosh attacked the conduct of the Chief Rabbinate’s kashrut service: “It doesn’t make sense to ask me to pay a supervisor who does not come to work every day, when he is not registered as my employee and is not willing to sign in and out.”

“The straw that broke our back was when an inspector came in and screamed at our employees why there were no blue stickers with the word Dairy on our pastries,” Kadosh recalled. “Our certificate is dairy, all our products are dairy, and we will never agree to attach stickers with toxic glue to our food.”

“The Tzohar supervisors, on the other hand, come for more hours, we pay for their work time and receive an invoice and do not feel that we are working with an institution with which we aren’t in full agreement,” Kadosh noted.

Kol Ha’Ir also reported that Café Kalo, on Bethlehem Road in Jerusalem, has also ditched the rabbinate kashrut supervision after a representative of the Jerusalem Religious Council came to the café-restaurant and physically took away the kosher certificate, after the owner, Yaakov Ben Elul, refused the representative’s demand that the cook stop stop frying omelets on an induction stove. It was a halachic dispute over the induction method of cooking.

Tzohar offers a full list of 160 food businesses that rely on its kashrut certification as of April 7, 2021:

  • Afaim Beit HaKerem, Beit Hakerem 19, Jerusalem, Dairy
  • Afaim Binyamina, Hameyasdim 6, Binyamina, Dairy
  • Afaim Hansen, Gedalyahu Alon 14, Jerusalem, Dairy
  • Akkotka, HaHaganah, Akko, Dairy
  • Alfa Hospitality, , Beit-Alfa
  • Allegria, Ibn Gabirol 165, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Vegan
  • Aminadav, Aminadav 17, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Dairy
  • Anona Bistro, Yiftach HaGiladi 17, Ashkelon, Dairy
  • Arcaffe – Alon Towers, Yigal Alon 94, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Dairy, Cafe chain
  • Arcaffe – Rishonim Mall, Nim Blvd 2, Rishon LeZion, Dairy, Cafe chain
  • Aroma Cafe German Colony, Emek Refaim 43, Jerusalem, Dairy
  • Aroma, Arnona Branch, 1 David Benivisti Street, Jerusalem, Dairy
  • Aroma, Malha Mall, Jerusalem, Dairy
  • Asal al Nor – Visitors Center for Bee Observation , Road 864, Pekiin, Pareve, Visitors Center at beekeeping/honeymaking experience
  • Avner Winery , HaRimon , Givat Zeev, , Winery, Supervision on wines from 2018 harvest onward
  • Bayit BaKfar Hadarim, Ben Yehuda 77, Kfar-Saba, Meat & Dairy
  • Bayit BaKfar Kfar Saba, Ben Yehuda 71, Kfar-Saba, Meat & Dairy
  • Beit Galgalim (House of Wheels), , Even Sapir, Meat & Dairy, Care Facility with Cafe
  • Beit Ha’am Gederot, HaRimon 8, Aseret, Dairy
  • Benitush/Jira, Heleni HaMalka 7, Jerusalem, Dairy
  • Birateinu, Hillel 6, Jerusalem, Meat, Bar and casual eatery
  • Black Gold Ashdod, Tasha”ch 5, Ashdod, Dairy
  • Black Gold Rehovot, Bilu 2, Ofer Mall, Rehovot, Dairy
  • Bluber, Gat Blvd. 203, Kiryat Gat, Dairy, Ice Creamery
  • Bonah, Jabotinsky 21, Ramle, Vegan, Vegan Ethiopian
  • Brunch Sandwiches and Meals, Givat Ram, Music Academy Building, Jerusalem, Meat & Dairy, Kiosk Snacks/Sandwiches
  • Burkin Bread, HaMelacha 6, Binyamina, Dairy & Pareve
  • Cafe Carousela, Metudela 1, Azza corner, Jerusalem, Dairy
  • Cafe Hamamat, Maaleh HaChamisha, Maaleh HaChamisha, Dairy
  • Cafe Rinat, Allenby 57, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Dairy
  • Caf Yafo, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Meat & Dairy
  • Cafe Geva, Ben Gurion 259, Ramat Gan, Dairy
  • Cafeteria – Kibbutz Nachshonim, Nachshonim, Meat
  • Cafeteria, Educational Center for the Sciences, Rehovot , Yerushalayim 32, Rehovot, Meat & Dairy
  • Cafeteria, Darka High School, Bat Yam, Ort Israel 7, Bat Yam
  • Caya, Borochov 5, Raanana, Dairy
  • Chef Emanuel, Derech Yavne 46, Rehovot, Dairy, Cafe
  • Chop Chop, Ramatayim 69, Hod Hasharon, Meat, Asian
  • COCO, Washongton 30, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Pareve
  • Coffee Mill, Emek Refaim 43, Jerusalem, Dairy & Pareve, Cafe
  • Cookiot, Ma”zeh 34, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Dairy
  • Daboush Shwarma, Rothschild 60, Rishon LeZion, Meat
  • Dagani, Sokolov 2, Hod HaSharon, Meat & Dairy, Delicatessen
  • Danon School for Culinary Excellence , Hata’arucha 3, Namal Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Dairy, The Kashrut is only for bakery
  • David Leor Koisk, Gidon Park, Jerusalem, Dairy
  • Days Hotel Tveria, Ussishkin 16, Tveria, Meat & Dairy, Hotel
  • De La Paix Cakes, Ramat Gan, Tuval 26, Ramat Gan, Dairy, Bakery
  • De La Paix Cakes, Rishon LeZion, Binyamin Shmotkin 47, Rishon LeZion, Dairy, Bakery
  • De La Paix Cakes, Tel Aviv, Ibn Gabirol 1 , Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Dairy, Bakery
  • De La Paix Cakes, Ashdod, Tasha”ch 5, Ashdod, Dairy
  • De La Paix Cakes, Rehovot, Yaakov 26, Rehovot, Dairy, Bakery
  • Dolce, HaMasger 1, Raanana, Dairy
  • Dosa Bar, Ben Yehuda 188, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Pareve, Vegan Indian street food
  • Drunk Owl Distilley , Srigim, Pareve, Boutique Distillery
  • Eden Restaurant, Derech Ramatayim 52, Hod HaSharon, Meat
  • Elchanan Bread Culture, , Mishmerot, Dairy, Bread and Baked Goods
  • Eshel HaShomron Hotel, Ariel Junction, Ariel, Meat & Dairy, Hotel
  • Estella, HaKishor 4, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Dairy, Bakery & Chocolate
  • Eucaplyptus , Pelet Alley 14, Jerusalem, Meat & Pareve
  • Evyatar Bread, HaMasger 2, Kfar-Saba, Dairy & Pareve
  • Fabrizio, Dizengoff 119, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Dairy
  • Falafel Ben Hur Florentin, Sderot Washington 32, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Meat, Falafel
  • Falafel Ben Hur Hamasger, Hamasger 6, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Meat, Falafel
  • Falafel Ben Hur Levinski, Levinski 136, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Meat, Falafel
  • Falafel HaPaamonim, Sokolov 72, Ramat Hasharon, Meat & Pareve, Falafel
  • Falafel La’Am, Ahad Haam 15, Rehovot, Pareve, Falafel
  • Fermented Pizza (Pizza Machmetzet), Aviah HaShofet 3, Beer Sheva, Dairy, Pizzeria
  • Fika, Tushya 6, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Dairy
  • Fiori Market Courtyard, Weizmann 125, Kfar-Saba
  • Food from the Movies (Ochel Me’hasratim), Moshav Aminadav, Meat & Dairy
  • Georgie, King George 37, Jerusalem, Meat
  • Gepetto Pizza Bar, Dafna 1, Tzur Hadassah , Dairy
  • Gustel Chocolates, Beit Yaakov 2, Jerusalem, Dairy, Chocolateria – chocolate and pralines factory
  • Ha’Organi, Shvil Yemani 1, Mevo-Modiim, Pareve
  • Hadar Nof Tivon, Oranim 56, Kiryat Tivon, Meat & Dairy, Nursing Home
  • HaFalafel shel Ramle, Rothschild 47, Rishon LeZion, Pareve
  • Hamakom Shel Itzik, Derech Beit Lechem 33, Jerusalem, Dairy
  • HaMoshava Hotel, Lloyd George 4, Jerusalem, Dairy, Hotel
  • HaSderah Rehovot, Herzel 203, Rehovot, Meat
  • HOC, Yitzhak Elchanan 15, corner of HaTavor, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Dairy
  • Hummus Basar, Science Park, Rehovot, Meat, Hummus
  • Ilan’s – Rothschild Blvd. Branch, Rothschild 78, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Dairy
  • Ima Resturant, Rav Shmuel Baruch 55, Jerusalem, Meat
  • Jaffe Market – Jewish Agency, Ha’Askan 3, Jerusalem, Meat & Dairy
  • Jerusalem Cake Design, Baka, Jerusalem, Dairy & Pareve
  • Kadosh, Shlomzioin HaMalka 6, Jerusalem, Dairy
  • Kahanov Vineyards, , Gadera, Pareve, Winery, Supervision on wines from 2013 harvest onward, in accordance with bottle label
  • Kaima Farm – Beit Zayit, Derech HaGefen 310, Beit Zayit, Pareve
  • Kalo, Derech Beit Lechem 31, Jerusalem, Dairy
  • Kama Ice Creamery, , Harduf, Dairy, Kitchen and Cafe in Kama Center, in Harduf, center for integrating individuals with special needs, The Kashrut is only for the cafe
  • Kamakora, Ohaliav 5, Ramat Gan, Meat & Dairy, Restaurant in hotel
  • Karnaf (Keshet Branch), Raoul Wallenberg 12, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Meat & Dairy
  • Kombucha, Ha’Oranim 24, Pardes Hanna, Pareve, Factory producing tea-based drinks
  • Koobeh Gooteh, Hamanofim 9, Hertzliya, Meat
  • La Cuccina, Bialik 59, Ramat Gan, Dairy
  • La’Briut Vegan Kitchen, Emel 1, Industrial Area, Raanana, Vegan
  • Lechem Machmetzet, Ben Yehuda 81, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Dairy
  • Lechem Tooshia, Rechov Beit Hapoalim 5, Rehovot, Dairy
  • Little India, Ringelbaum 15, Beer Sheva, Dairy & Pareve, Indian
  • Lunchbox India – Raanana, HaTaasiya 5, Raanana, Vegetarian
  • Maadanei Basar, HaTaasiya 5, Yokne’am Elite, Meat
  • Maagan Eden Resort, Jordan Valley, Ma’agen, Meat & Dairy
  • Maceo, HaNasi 4, Ashkelon, Meat
  • Mago, Tzofit, Dairy & Pareve
  • Mai Wai Deliveries, HaNasi 4, Ashkelon, Meat
  • Mai Wai Restaurant, HaNasi 4, Ashkelon, Meat
  • Mali’s Chocolate Boutique, Limon 7, Gan-Yavne, Dairy, Chocolate Studio
  • Malka Plus – SodaStream, Rahat Junction/Lehavim, Beer Sheva, Meat & Dairy
  • Mama Shosha, Rodensky 5, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Dairy
  • Mar Kar Basar, Weizmann 189, Kfar-Saba, Meat
  • Mariano Shankman – South American Catering, HaNurit 3b, Hadera, Meat
  • Menchi’la, Arlozorov 50, Beer Sheva, Meat & Dairy
  • Meshek Levi, Flavors from Nature ™, Yashresh, Yashresh, Dairy
  • Metaphora, Jaffa 31, Feingold Court, Jerusalem, Dairy
  • Mifgash HaCountry, , Jerusalem, Meat & Dairy
  • Milk Bakery – Jaffa, Beit Eshel 5, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Dairy, Bakery
  • Mitz Mark – Jerusalem, Hillel 4, Jerusalem, Dairy, Juicery
  • Naomi Farm Givatayim Borochov, Borochov 54, Givatayim, Meat & Dairy, delicatessen
  • Naomi Farm Kiryat Ono, Refael Eitan 1, Kiryat Ono, Meat & Dairy, delicatessen
  • Naomi Farm Korazin, Korazin 5, Givatayim, Meat & Dairy, delicatessen
  • Naomi Farm Raanana, Hamelacha 18, Raanana, Meat & Dairy, delicatessen
  • Noa Einat, HaNasi 59, Kiryat Ono, Dairy & Pareve, Culinary School and workshops
  • Ofer Olive Oil, Kalaniot neighborhood, Moshava Kineret, Kineret, olive harvesting
  • Olive Hotel, Gilboa, Derech Nof HaGilboa (Gilboa View Way), Maaleh Gilboa, Meat & Dairy, Hotel
  • Organica – Organic Vegetable Garden, Meshek 74, Yated
  • Ort Cafeteria, named for Aryeh Meir, Kiryat Gat, HaMaafil 1, Kiryat Gat, Dairy & Pareve
  • Ort Cafeteria, Ramat Yosef, Bat Yam, Mivtza Sinai 28, Bat Yam, Dairy
  • Ort Holon – Mitrani High School, Shalom Aleichem 5, Holon, Meat & Dairy, Cooking courses
  • Paamonim Hotel, King George 4, Jerusalem, Meat & Dairy, Boutique Hotel
  • Pasta Basta Jerusalem, Hatut 8, Jerusalem, Dairy
  • Patio, HaNasi 3, Ashkelon, Dairy, Fish and dairy
  • Patisserie Tzvieli, Ahad Haam 4, Rehovot
  • Pinubakery, Yakinton 6, Nes Tziona, dairy and pareve
  • Poleg Estate, HaGefen, Tel Yitzhak, Meat & Dairy, Elder-care Facility
  • Random Logic, Medinat HaYehudim 85, Herzliya, Meat & Dairy
  • Rubida, HaMeyasdim 6, Mazkeret Batya, Dairy
  • Russell Bakery, HaDekel 2, Shuk Mahane Yehuda, Jerusalem, Pareve, bakery
  • S.B Shay & Gal Distribution™ , Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Pareve, Sports drinks: WOW HYDRATE
  • Sugar Free Electolite & Vitamin Water – Lemon Lime / Orange Protein – Summer Fruits / Tropical
  • Sandra Manor – Til the Perfect bite, HaMelacha 32, Netanya, Meat
  • Silo Cafe, Beit Lechem 7, Jerusalem, Dairy & Pareve, Cafe
  • Sol Hateva, HaZayit 72, Tzrufa, Pareve
  • Stay Inn, King George 21, Jerusalem, Meat & Dairy, Hotel
  • Steak of Mind, Rabbi Ovadia 4, Yad Rambam, Meat
  • Supcakes, Shoahm 14, Nofach, Meat & Dairy
  • Sushi Place, Yoel Moshe Solomon 5, Jerusalem, Pareve, Sushi
  • Sushiya, Trumpeldor 1, Jerusalem, Pareve, Sushi
  • Tap & Tail, Etz HaChayim 6, Shuk Machane Yehuda, Jerusalem, Dairy
  • Tasting Room, Eliezer Kaplan 36, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Dairy
  • Tea’s Kitchen ‘Ha’Mitbach Shel Tea’, Hasderah Hamercazit 15, Modiin, Dairy
  • Ten Pri, Yitzhak Goldberg 2, Petach Tikvah, Fruit platters
  • Terminal, David Remez 4, Jerusalem, Dairy
  • Tofu Kadita, Old Kadita, Kadita, Pareve, Tofu-making factory
  • Torta de la Nuna, Malchei Yisrael 13, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Dairy
  • Tzippori Winery (Tzippori Farm), Tzippori 61, Tzippori, , Winery, Beginning with 2020 harvest
  • Villa Brown, HaNeviim 54, Jerusalem, Dairy
  • Whiskey Bar, David Elazar 27, Sarona, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Meat
  • Yamanis
  • Zigmond, Aza 29, Jerusalem, Dairy & Pareve, Vegan Kitchen, Sandwiches, Coffee, Vegan food
  • Zoko, Keren Kayemet LeIsrael 5, Kiryat Ono, Meat
  • Zoko, KKL 5, Kiryat Ono, Meat
  • Zucca, Harugei Hamalchut 7, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Dairy, Ice Cream, Coffee, Sandwiches

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