Photo Credit: PBL Photography
Ambassador Nikki Haley with philanthropist Sylvan Adams, Dec. 6, 2022.

Former US Ambassador to the UN and former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley on Tuesday told a Jewish audience of some 200 in Montreal, Canada, that “the only way peace happens in the Middle East is if the US stands strongly and steadfastly with Israel.”

She also said that “a strong America prevents war,” explaining: “At the end of the day, it’s about leadership, and America has to demonstrate that leadership, including absolute support for its allies like Israel.”


The event was hosted by the Federation CJA, the Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), and Margaret and Sylvan Adams. Participants included leaders from across the Jewish community as well as community members who are leaders in politics, culture, and the economy.

Ambassador Haley reflected on the historic impact of the Abraham Accords, and said, “The Abraham Accords was the point in time the Emiratis had the courage to tell their constituency the truth about Israel. And it has transformed the region.”

On November 29, Haley announced that she was planning to consider over the holidays a possible 2024 presidential bid. Last year, she said she wouldn’t run if former President Donald Trump decided to run.

Speaking at an event in her alma mater, Clemson University, Haley said: “We are taking the holidays to kind of look at what the situation is. If we decide to get into it, we’ll put 1,000% in, and we’ll finish it.”

According to Politico, Haley has not spoken with Trump since January 6, 2021, and when she was asked if Trump was her friend, she answered: “Friend is a loose term.” She has been critical of Trump for his role in the storming of the US Capitol, and said she was angry that Trump took no action to protect Vice President Pence, clarifying, “When I tell you I’m angry, it’s an understatement.”

She told The Wall Street Journal in February 2021: “Most of Mr. Trump’s major policies were outstanding and made America stronger, safer, and more prosperous. Many of his actions since the election were wrong and will be judged harshly by history… I will gladly defend the bulk of the Trump record and his determination to shake up the corrupt status quo in Washington.”

Jewish philanthropist Sylvan Adams said on Tuesday: “Today, the Jewish community around the world is suffering from an increase in antisemitism, and Israel remains on high alert from the growing Iranian nuclear threat – both of which are issues which Ambassador Haley courageously fought to combat on the world stage.”

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