Photo Credit: Yossi Zamir/Flash90
Russian-Israeli billionaire businessman Arcadi Alexandrovich Gaydamak in the Mahane Yehuda Market, September 24, 2007.

According to the Henley Global Citizens Report and New World Wealth, the United Arab Emirates is expected to attract the largest number of “high net worth individuals” (HNWIs) in 2022. In other words, the report projects that about 4,000 more millionaires will move to the UAE this year than those leaving.

The biggest loser in terms of holding on to its flocks of millionaires is Russia: 15,000 of those rare birds will have left the Russian Federation by January 1, 2023. Second-worst is China, with 10,000, followed by India – 8,000, Hong Kong – 3,000, Ukraine – 2,800, and Brazil – 2,500.


Israel, according to the report, will attract 2,500 more millionaires than it will lose in 2022, behind only Singapore – 2,800, Australia – 3,500, and, as we mentioned above, the UAE.

The website on Wednesday offered an amusing migration map for your enjoyment (Click here for the original article).



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