Photo Credit: David Cohen/Flash90
Jewish man blowing shofar.

Raziel Buaron, son of Likud MK Avichay Buaron, was one of several Jewish men who were arrested for blowing the shofar on the Temple Mount on the second day of Rosh Hashanah.


PA Minister of Jerusalem Affairs, Fadi Al-Hadmi said on Sunday that although the police “pursued and arrested them after the barbaric assault,” the police still “facilitated and encouraged extremist settlers’ incursions into the mosque and the performance of Talmudic rituals.”

Mind you, by “the mosque,” official PA sources today refer to the entire holy compound, where “the mosque” in question is standing at the edge, thus its name, “Al Aqsa,” meaning, “the edge.” And by “Talmudic rituals,” the same PA sources refer to Jews walking and occasionally mumbling a verse of scripture or prayer.

Islamic websites reported that this was the third year in a row that a shofar was been blown on the Temple Mount, which they say is a worrying trend. “This time there were two blows, in the central circle of Al-Aqsa Plaza and near the Gate of Mercy. One of the blows was longer than usual, which allowed the Al-Aqsa guards to identify the blower on the surveillance cameras.”

And this is how millions of Muslims were taught about the Teki’ah ge’dolah.

Now, read this: “The blowing of the shofar is considered one of the most dangerous attacks on Al-Aqsa, as it was intended to declare Zionist sovereignty, the end of the Islamic era in Al-Aqsa and the beginning of the era of Judaism,” those Muslim websites warned. “It symbolizes the transformation of al-Aqsa into a temple over its entire territory and therefore it is so dangerous.”

All of which stands to show you that the Arabs already know the Jews are coming. Now, someone must tell the Jews.

Having watched hundreds of thousands of Israeli protesters over the past eight months, I do not doubt that once these hordes of Jews learn that salvation is around the corner and that all they have to do is perform on the Temple Mount the same takeover they do of Ayalon Highway, no police force in the world could stop them.

Alternatively, if the hundreds of thousands of right-wing Jews who demonstrated in front of the Knesset decided to do the same on the holiest site for Judaism, again, no police force in the world could stop them. Like this:

Following the Talmudic rituals on the Temple Mount, Arabs rioted in several locations near the Gaza Strip fence, and several were injured, including three Arab journalists who were injured by gas grenades.

“During the violent disorder, explosives were activated and grenades were thrown at the IDF forces,” the IDF spokesman said over the holiday. “There are no casualties to our forces. The forces acted in the face of a breach of the public order and used measures to disperse demonstrations.”

Al Jazeera did what it does best, vilifying Israeli security forces who firmly pushed back three Arab “Morbiton” women who had gotten out of control, depicting it as police violence against innocent Arab civilians.

According to Al Jazeera, there were 426 Jewish “invasions” of the Temple Mount, compared to 405 last Rosh Hashanah. It’s a trend.

The Saudis also took a ride on those Talmudic rituals. An official statement of the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs said this was an “invasion by extremists of Al-Aqsa Mosque under the protection of the Israeli occupation forces,” constituting a “violation of agreements,” and a “taunting of the feelings of Muslims around the world.”

Later, the Saudi Foreign Ministry charged Israel with the responsibility for the consequences of the Jews’ ascension to the Temple Mount, and demanded that the international community act to end the “escalation of the Israeli occupation.”

And the Saudi newspaper Elaph reported, just before Prime Minister Netanyahu left for the US, that Riyadh asked the US to stop all discussions on normalization with Israel.

Naturally, this last move was meant to spare the Saudis the rebuke of a dozen Arab speakers at the UN General Assembly for their scheming to have peace with the Zionist invaders. Things should get back to normal after the holidays.

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