As of Sunday evening, United Hatzalah volunteers have provided medical assistance to more than 1,000 individuals near the tomb of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov in Uman, Ukraine. A 55-year-old Israeli man passed away near the end of the holiday after suddenly losing consciousness. Attempts to resuscitate him were unsuccessful.
Since the beginning of last week, volunteers from UH’s Uman branch together with teams dispatched from Israel and the US have been providing medical care for the tens of thousands of pilgrims who are participating in Rosh Hashana celebrations in Uman.
Mates Shapira, the head of United Hatzalah’s Uman branch, said: “This afternoon, we received an alert regarding a man who suddenly collapsed and lost consciousness. United Hatzalah medical personnel immediately initiated CPR procedures, which included administering electric shocks in an attempt to revive him. Regrettably, despite our best efforts, his death had to be pronounced at the scene. Breslov community leaders are working to send his body to Israel.”
Naftali Rabinowitz, the branch’s Operations Commander, added: “As of now, United Hatzalah ambulances transported more than 250 individuals who required additional medical care to the Uman clinic, located at the entrance to the complex of the central synagogue of the Breslov community in Uman.”