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'500 Settlers Storm the Al-Aqsa Mosque'

The Arab news website Ma’an on Thursday reported Hundreds of settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Thursday morning through the Mugrabi Gate on the fourth day of the Jewish festival. Naturally, in Arab Newspeak, every Jew is a settler and every Jew who visits the Temple Mount is, in fact, storming the Al-Aqsa mosque – especially since the same Arab media have expanded this term to include not just the mosque at the edge of the compound, but the entire compound.

The Islamic Endowments Department (that’s the Jordanian Waqf to you and me) said that 509 settlers stormed Al-Aqsa from the opening of the Mugrabi Gate, at 7:30 AM, until 9:30 AM.


Said gate, according to Ma’an, is, of course, “controlled by the occupation authorities.”

Settlers storming the Temple Mount / Photo credit: Temple Mount Organizations Headquarters Facebook page

According to the Temple Mount Organizations Headquarters, the Temple Mount is open to Jews on holidays (except Fridays and Saturdays) from 7:30 to 11:00 AM, and from 1:30 to 2:30 PM. Arabs can come and go as they please all the time.

Incidentally, the Temple Mount Organizations Headquarters reported at 11:00 AM that 732 Jews had so far stormed the sacred Temple compound, so expect Arab news about thousands of us invading the imaginary Muslim relic by the end of Thursday.

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