Photo Credit: Hamas
Nidal al-Jaafari, a Hamas terrorist killed by a suicide bomber on August 17, 2017

A suicide bomber associated with the Jihadi Salafi ISIS terrorists in Gaza blew himself up along the Gaza border, killing a Hamas terrorist commander, Nidal al-Jaafari (28), who had stopped him and his partner.

Two Salafi terrorists were stopped at a Hamas checkpoint in Rafah, along the southern Gaza border on Thursday morning.


The two Salafi terrorists were on their way to Sinai to join up with the Sinai branch of ISIS and were trying to pass through the fence when the Hamas force stopped them.

The Salafi terrorist wearing the suicide belt warned the Hamas terrorists that if they wouldn’t let them pass he would blow himself up.

When Hamas couldn’t convince his fellow Islamist to not go through the fence, they shot him in the leg, and which point the terrorist self-detonated.

The Hamas terrorist commander was killed, and five other Hamas terrorists, as well as the second Salafi terrorist, were wounded in the bombing.

The Rafah border crossing to Egypt was opened yesterday.

Egypt has been pressuring Hamas to not let Gazans sneak through the fence to join ISIS in the Sinai.

This was the first intentional suicide bombing in Gaza in which a Hamas terrorist was killed, though there have been work accidents in the past, where Hamas terrorists accidentally blew themselves up while preparing their bombs to be used against Jews.

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