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Arabs in Kalandiya throw stones and petrol bombs at IDF troops

The Palestinian Authority cancelled the ‘peace’ talks that were to take place on Monday, August 26.  The PA cancelled Monday’s scheduled talks because three Arab Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces who had been ambushed in an Arab town.

The Arab Palestinian version of events is that the Israeli Defense Forces shot and killed three young Arab Palestinians.  That is also the story being told by most major media outlets.


The reality is that IDF troops entered the Arab Palestinian town of Qalandriya before dawn Monday morning, in search of a terror suspect.  Somehow their cover was blown and when residents of the town learned that Israeli soldiers were in their midst, it became open season on the IDF soldiers.

According to a Border Police spokesperson, upon hearing of the IDF presence “1,500 Palestinians poured into the streets and attacked the officers with firebombs and rocks.”

As reported earlier by The Jewish Press, police testimony regarding the incident revealed that the confrontation between the villagers and the IDF posed a “real and present danger” to the lives of the troops.  “An initial investigation revealed that the officers used riot dispersal means, including the Roger rifle, which fires ammunition at lower and thus less dangerous speeds.”

“The meeting that was to take place in Jericho … today was cancelled because of the Israeli crime committed in Qalandia today,” an Arab Palestinian official told AFP.

Rovin Fayez Zaed, 35, and Younis Jahjouh, 23, were pronounced dead at a Ramallah hospital. Jihad Aslan, 17, died from his wounds shortly thereafter, and approximately a dozen were wounded.

The Jewish Press reported that Jahjouh was released from prison as part of the 2011 Shalit deal.

The IDF’s Spokesperson’s Unit said that, “during an overnight operation for the arrest of a suspect in Qalandiya, a riot involving hundreds of Palestinians who attacked the security forces erupted. Early details suggest that an IDF force supporting the troops was trying to rescue them and that fire was opened at the assailants when the situation became life threatening.”

The IDF further noted that the suspect, a terrorist, was arrested and turned over for questioning with security forces. “The circumstances behind the incident will be investigated.”

PLO official Hanan Ashrawi strongly denounced Israel’s incursion into the camp, the Arab Palestinian media outlet Ma’an reported.

“Israel’s use of excessive and indiscriminate violence and live ammunition in densely populated civilian areas represents a blatant violation of international and humanitarian law.”

A video of the response by villagers upon learning of the presence of Israelis in Qalandriya reveals what Ms. Ashrawi would have the world believe was a peaceful village of Arabs who were attacked by Israeli soldiers, with no provocation.

Despite unequivocal statements from Arab leadership, the U.S. State Department denied that the talks were cancelled.  Spokesperson Marie Harf told reporters, “I can assure you that no meeting has been cancelled.”



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Lori Lowenthal Marcus is a contributor to the A graduate of Harvard Law School, she previously practiced First Amendment law and taught in Philadelphia-area graduate and law schools. You can reach her by email: [email protected]