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The hacker from Ashkelon in court

The 18-year-old hacker from Ashkelon who used to call and threaten Jewish institutions in the United States was convicted Thursday morning at the Tel Aviv District Court. According to his indictment, the hacker has sowed terror in more than 2,000 institutions around the world through false bomb scares and threats against several individuals. The young hacker directed his threats against airports, airlines, schools, Jewish institutions and police stations.

According to the indictment, the defendant hid his identity using an Internet service for international dialing, and software that made him sound like a woman.


At first, according to the indictment, which was filed against him last year, the young man left dozens of voice messages with various institutions, describing the deaths of children in community centers and Jewish schools in the United States.

The hacker from Ashkelon was charged with 28 offenses, including the transfer of false information to the police and carrying out threatening conversations. These offenses also include carrying weapons, assaulting a policeman, mediating drug trafficking, providing means to commit a crime, and possessing and posting Pedophilic materials.

In March, the charges against him were expanded, to include hate crimes.

The 18-year-old holds both an Israeli and American citizenship. His conviction may result in a sentence of up to 20 years in prison.

In February, the hacker from Ashkelon tried to escape from prison guards when he was brought to the Russian Compound detention center in Jerusalem. It is not clear to this day how, but he managed to free himself from the cuffs on his feet and ran to escape the guards. After a brief chase, the Israel Prison Service’s Nachshon unit managed to apprehend the young man and return him to detention.

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