Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Mea Shearim Lag B'Omer bonfire, May 11, 2020.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday night spoke with Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan, Israel Police Acting Commissioner Motti Cohen, National Security Council (NSC) head Meir Ben-Shabbat and other officials following the violation of the directives and the lighting of bonfires that led to large-scale gatherings in Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh. NSC head Ben-Shabbat said that such behavior was liable to lead to outbreaks of morbidity.

Mea Shearim Lag B’Omer bonfire, May 11, 2020. / Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

Netanyahu strongly condemned the violation of the rules and said that enforcement should be increased forthwith, including the dispersal of the gatherings. Meanwhile, on Mt. Meron, some of Israel’s religious leaders lit legal bonfires:

The Boyaner Rebbe Rabbi Nachum Dov Brayer lights the first Lag B’Omer bonfire on Mt. Meron, May 11, 2020. / David Cohen/Flash90
Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem Rabbi Shlomo Amar lights Lag B’Omer bonfire on Mt. Meron, May 11, 2020. / David Cohen/Flash90


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