Photo Credit: Andrew Bone
Cypriot police, September 21, 2018.

A terrorist attack in Cyprus, believed to target Israeli citizens was been prevented on Sunday, In Cyprus reported.

The perpetrators were reportedly linked to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC).


Informed sources said the planned attack was thwarted by a coordinated operation by the Cypriot intelligence service, in cooperation with American and Israeli intelligence services.

According to reports, although they foiled the attack, the Cypriot authorities failed to arrest the main suspect in planning the attack and he escaped. But they managed to locate the equipment he planned to use. His details were not published, but it was reported that they are in the hands of the Cypriot Intelligence Authority and that an international arrest warrant has been issued against him.

This is the second such operation, following the arrest two years ago of an Azeri man who carried a Russian passport, and was also been acting on behalf of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.

Cyprus’s state intelligence services have been closely monitoring the movements of the Iranian agents. The pro-Iranian terrorist network operates in the Turkish Republic of Cyprus, an entity recognized only by Turkey. The terrorists venture into the territory of the free Republic of Cyprus in search of their targets.

An Iranian revenge terrorist attempt was thwarted on October 4, 2021:

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