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Trump marks Veterans Day, Nov 11, 2020.

President Donald Trump on Sunday morning tweeted for the first time since Election night that the other side had won, although he did not agree that they won legally. He then reversed himself a short time later with another tweet.


Trump tweeted, on top of a Jesse Watters comment on Fox News that went, “Joe Biden didn’t earn it, he didn’t really even campaign,” the following: “He won because the Election was Rigged. NO VOTE WATCHERS OR OBSERVERS allowed, vote tabulated by a Radical Left privately owned company, Dominion, with a bad reputation & bum equipment that couldn’t even qualify for Texas (which I won by a lot!), the Fake & Silent Media, & more!”

The president’s tweet was not received well, it was, in fact, attacked by a long list of followers who mocked the president mercilessly.

Trump then reversed himself just a short time later, declaring that he did not concede at all.

Trump suffered a major setback on Friday, after nine cases challenging Democratic candidate Joe Biden’s win in key swing states had been denied by the courts or dropped by his legal teams. Also, the law firm the Trump team hired for the key challenge in Pennsylvania, which stood the best chance to win in court dropped the president as a client, reportedly under pressure from pro-Biden firms.

Trump is still trying to block the certification of Biden’s victories in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, essentially through challenging the validity of absentee ballots which his legal teams say should not have been counted.

Sunday’s tweet was the second occasion on which President Trump publicly accepted the possibility of a Biden win. In a Veterans’ Day speech last week, Trump referred to “whoever wins the election,” tacitly conceding the results were open-ended.

This article was updated to include President’s Trump later tweet where he says he did not concede the election.

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