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Ahlan Tamimi - FBI Wanted Poster

The United States has rejected a claim by Jordan over its refusal to extradite wanted Hamas terrorist Ahlam Tamimi, after a Jordanian court ruled in 2017 that Amman’s extradition treaty with Washington is invalid, despite the U.S. State Department saying the opposite in a report published this week.

The report could lead to increased pressure by the White House on Jordan to extradite Tamimi to the United States.


Tamimi played a key role in the well-known suicide-bombing at a Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem on Aug. 9, 2001, which killed 15 people, including two Americans, and injured about 130 others.

Sbarro Restaurant terror attack. August 9, 2001

Tamimi has not only shown no remorse, but has stated on Jordanian TV that she has “no regrets.”

For her role in the terror attack she was awarded $51,836 from the Palestinian Authority.

Tamimi was released from Israeli prison, as part of a 2011 prisoner exchange that included Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit’s release from Hamas captivity, when she then escaped to Jordan, where she holds citizenship.

Tamimi is on America’s FBI’s “Most Wanted Terrorist” list.

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