Awesome Balsam

When Maimonides (Laws of Klei HaMikdash 2:4) translates the ingredients for the ketoret into Arabic, he renders tzari as al-balasan (i.e., balsam), but the Biblical term for this ingredient is actually nataf (Exodus 30:34), literally meaning the thing that drips.

Which Mask Do You Wear?

Even Queen Esther went to the king, which she was forbidden to do, in disguise. She dressed up. Yes, she was a queen and she dressed up as a queen. However she was Jewish and nobody knew that, so she was dressing up.

The Case Of The Megillah With A Variant Ksav

Shmuel the Amora rules that although most people buy oxen for work, not meat, we do not follow the majority likelihood in monetary issues.

Daf Yomi

Curling Peiyos “Hair of a Nazir” (Nazir 42a)

Adar – A Hug From Above

Though we live in times of incredible chaos, and there are layers of darkness obscuring Hashem’s light in this world, there are moments of great light where we see the power of hashgacha pratis, a hug from Above.

Faithfully Committed

When the Beis HaMikdash stood we were keenly aware of our ‘marriage’ to Hashem... In exile however, we are isolated and surrounded by a culture that does not ascribe to Torah values.

Is it appropriate for just anyone to get drunk on Purim?

Many of these commentaries stress that drinking is meant to enhance an appropriate Purim celebration.

Should Tzedakah Collectors Collect A Commission?

Is it acceptable for the meshulach to take a percentage of the donation? Is this counted as part of my tzedakah?

Daf Yomi

Normal Consumption ‘Leave Aside Babylonian Kutach’ (Nazir 36b)

Nothing But The Truth

Education is not just about compliance, but about instilling values into our children’s souls, so that it becomes part of them for life.

Is it proper to use the title “Rabbi” when referring to someone who received...

When Rabbi Feldman referred to her with the title rabbi, she registered surprise that an Orthodox rabbi would acknowledge that a woman was ordained. Rabbi Feldman responded, I accord you the same respect that I accord to your male colleagues.

Who Is Obligated In The Mitzvah Of Machatzis Hashekel?

On this day, as you become bar mitzvah, we wish you the privilege to see the rebuilding of the Beis HaMikdash. Your half-shekel will join with the half-shekel of another Jew – with the half-shekels of all the Jews around the world – to purchase the korbanos.

Daf Yomi

Like Father Like Son ‘A Man Is Obligated To Train His Son’ (Nazir 29a)

In Out-Of-Season

Each holiday brings with it unique spiritual blessing and specific components of Divine service that can be attained. When a weekly Shabbos Torah reading includes a discussion about a holiday, a taste of that holiday’s blessing is spiritually palpable.

When Is A Rabbi To Be Called ‘Rabbi’?

It might just be that the use of a rabbinic title should be evaluated differently nowadays when it is no longer used in the manner that it once was.

Is It Appropriate For Frum Jews To Go Hunting?

Rav Landau writes, hunting for sport is improper and anyone who does this follows in the footsteps of Nimrod and Esav, and not Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov.

Time Zones

What happens when there is a difference in time zones? Mr. Samson asked his chavrusa. For example, I use call centers in India. When it's Friday in America, it's already Shabbos in India. Is that a violation of amira l'nochri?

Daf Yomi

A Distressful Situation ‘No Lashes Are Administered’ (Nazir 23a)

Yibum: The Mitzvah We Don’t Do

While it is clear that the Torah's preference is for one to perform yibum rather than chalitza, this is rarely the case nowadays and yibum is generally no longer an option – a man does not marry his brother's widow.

Great Over Many

We feel like we are racing down the runway picking up speed, as the plane pulsates from the acceleration. And then suddenly the shaking ceases and we are airborne.

What’s the ideal and most appropriate format for a shul’s kiddush – standing around,...

Unfortunately, some people view the kiddush as the most important feature of Shabbat morning at shul.

Jewish Law Sheds Light on the Status of Hunter Biden’s Laptop

There is a whole section of the Talmud devoted to that sort of thing.

Geography Of Non-compete Agreement – From Where To Where?

The normal use of ‘company’ or ‘workplace’ indicates an office, not one's home, even if the employee typically works remotely.

Daf Yomi

Facing The Consequences ‘Uncleanness Is Retroactive!’ (Nazir 16a)

A Final Chesed

Abba Zayda filled each home with his towering presence, his laughter, his love of life, his never ending patience and his constant wisdom.

Dig Deep

If you would dig beneath the basement of my house, I’m not sure you’d find anything too intriguing.

What Customs And Prayers Should Be Observed On A Yahrzeit? (Part II)

It is a virtually universal practice to light a 24-hour memorial candle on the evening before the yahrzeit so that it burns throughout the yahrzeit. It is said that the soul derives pleasure when candles are lit in its honor.

Should a person who wants to make aliyah do so even if his or...

The decision will ultimately be based on a variety of factors, depending on the reason for the parents’ disapproval. Perhaps their disapproval is temporary or based on unwarranted concerns.

My Zaidy Sholom

My grandfather used to call me his precious little Michali and I cherished those words every time I saw him.

If Tefillin Are Discovered To Be Pasul – Who Is Responsible?

If the parshiyos are pasul, that should be the sofer's problem! Mr. Rosenblum exclaimed. He wrote them. Please let me speak with him.


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