Photo Credit: Israel Channel 1
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat walking around Jerusalem armed with a carbine rifle/gun.

The exponential rise in terror attacks against Israelis over the past two weeks is prompting a corresponding change in our format as top Palestinian Authority officials and associated terrorist organizations actively encourage Arab violence against Israeli civilians and security personnel throughout the country.

At we therefore present a “live blog” format to keep you informed about the latest attacks. We hope the need for such a format will be short-lived. —


20:01 pm A 21-year-old IDF soldier was stabbed and seriously injured in a stabbing on Arlozorov Street in Afula. A second person was also stabbed. The terrorist was captured and arrested.

18:40 pm Unconfirmed report of Haifa Arab terror suspect arrested in joint Israel Police-Shin Bet sting operation

18:35 pm Arab terrorist shot dead by Israeli forces moments ago in Shuafat neighborhood in Jerusalem during clashes with IDF – Reshet Bet.

Tel Aviv terrorist identified as a 19-year-old from eastern Jerusalem – H/T – litvshe

Arab wounded by rock thrown from passing car with PA license plates, near Havat Gilad in Samaria. – H/T to litvshe

An Israeli military vehicle was attacked near the HaZayit intersection.

Soldier lightly wounded in stone-throwing attack near Neve Tzuf.

Israeli vehicles attacked by Arab terrorists hurling rocks on the road between Karmei Tzur and Kiryat Arba.

Dozens of Arab rioters burned tires and threw stones at Israeli security forces deployed at the Ayosh Junction near the Samaria Jewish community of Beit El.

Hundreds of Palestinian Arabs rioted in the city of Tulkarem.

Palestinian Arab rioters clashed with Israeli security forces in El-Birah. 16:55 pm Security personnel no longer believe the terrorist is inside Kiryat Arba. Residents may leave their homes.

16:35 pm Kiryat Arba residents are warned to remain indoors as security personnel continue to search for the Arab terrorist who stabbed a 31-year-old man less than an hour earlier and who still remains at large.

16:09 pm Palestinian Arab terrorists hurl rocks an Israeli bus traveling past the Jewish community of Itamar in Samaria. No physical injuries reported.

15:55 pm Palestinian Arab terrorist stabs at least one civilian at the western entrance to Kiryat Arba, near Hebron. The victim, a 31-year-old Jewish man, was rushed for emergency care to a Jerusalem medical center in very serious condition. The stabber was captured by security personnel.

15:44 pm Arab terrorist attempts to at least one Israeli Jew on the corner of King George and Ben Yehuda Streets in central Jerusalem.

15:43 pm Firebombing attack by Arab terrorists was aimed at a pedestrian as he walked near the Shimon HaTzaddik neighborhood in Jerusalem.

15:25 pm Police have taped off the intersection in central Tel Aviv near the Kirya army base headquarters, across from the Azrieli Mall and hi-rise tower, due to concerns that a second terrorist may be in the area. Security personnel have thrown a dragnet around the area and are searching for any possible suspects.

15:19 pm Possible vehicular terror attack in Jerusalem via a hit-and-run driver. At least one person is injured, reported in good condition.

15:17 pm The attack took place directly opposite the Kirya army base headquarters, next to the Azrieli Mall and hi-rise tower. The downtown area of Tel Aviv is closed to traffic until further notice.

15:16 pm At least four people were injured in an Arab terror attack in Tel Aviv at around 3 pm Thursday, including a female IDF soldier who is reported in critical condition. The terrorist, a construction worker, was shot and killed.

15:01 pm An Arab terrorist stabbed an Israeli, possibly a soldier, on Menachem Begin Boulevard in Tel Aviv at around 3 pm. The stabber has been neutralized, possibly killed. More to follow.

14:36 pm Police have identified the Arab terrorist who stabbed a Jerusalem yeshiva student at noon on Thursday as Tzuvhi Ibrahim Mahmad Abu Halifa,a resident of the northern Jerusalem neighborhood of Shuafat. Halifa has no police record.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.