Photo Credit: Flash 90
Likud MK Benny Begin

MK Benny Begin (Likud) on Monday approached Prime Minister Netanyahu with a request not to promote the so-called Regulations Act, which would compel Arab claimants whose ownership of Israeli settlements’ land has been proven to accept market value compensation—replacing the barbaric practice of Israel’s Supreme Court of destroying entire Jewish communities in order to return the land in question to its original, arid status.

Speaking at a meeting of the Knesset Likud faction, Begin (who was appointed to his position by a special “chairman’s prerogative,” whereby Netanyahu was permitted to place him in the 11th spot on the party’s 2015 election list — a position he hadn’t earned from Likud voters since 2008) pleaded with his benefactor: “As prime minister, but especially in your role as foreign minister, I besiege you not to promote this law,” according to Ha’aretz. Begin told the assembled MKs that the proposed bill “endangers the settlement enterprise in Judea and Samaria, contradicts international law, and will harm Israel’s position in the world.”


The Likud MKs who, unlike Begin, had actually been elected by Likud voters, all voiced their enthusiastic support for the Regulations Act and urged Netanyahu to promote it. The PM for his part told Begin, “Calm down, Benny, I’m taking your concerns about Israel’s status in the world into consideration, too. For now we’re suspending this idea of a Regulations Act, and should we renew it I will consider everything.”

At this point the government is in the midst of petitioning the high court for an extension regarding its demand that Amona be razed by December 25, 2016. It remains to be seen whether the court, which first ruled on Amona in 2006, will have the patience to wait another few months before it gets to chase Jewish families out of their homes.


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