Dear Dr. Yael

I would hope that people who have been helped in any situation would express gratitude.

Women In The Workforce

While boys’ toys often involve principles inherent in math and science, girls’ toys focus on imagination and creativity.

Flourish: The Secrets To Happiness And Well-Being?

Take a moment to identify the people, times, and things that give you pleasure.

What’s The Plan? Getting The Life You Want

They explain that we have the tendency to drift or to veer from what our own intentions.

Why Read?

Most of the books I have recommended are series because they allow children to get hooked on the characters and writing style, and continue seamlessly from one to another.

Dear Dr. Yael

The loss of a loved one is always hurtful no matter how old he or she is at the age of passing.

Originality: How To Change The World

“Originality itself starts with creativity: generating a concept that is both novel and useful. But it doesn’t stop there. Originals are people who take the initiative to make their visions a reality…”

Making Big Magic: Abandoning Fear And Embracing Creativity

Dearest Fear: Creativity and I are about to go on a road trip together. I understand you’ll be joining us, because you always do.

Dear Dr. Yael

Being an older single is a huge nisayon.

Break Out Of Your Rut: Think Like A Teen

Siegel explains that there are four ways that the brain is developing during adolescence that provide the groundwork for healthy ways of living.

Raising An Adult

We as parents need to take a step back and allow our children to make mistakes, thereby growing into independent problem-solving adults.

The Essentials In Education

Most schools would have to stop doing almost everything they now do in the name of school improvement.

What Do We Really Want for Our Children?

Resilience explains why some children overcome overwhelming obstacles...

Raising Passionate Readers

Kriah teachers continually search for ways to combat tedium and monotony in reading practice.

Teens: Taking Control Of Your Anger

Anger becomes a problem if you do not know how to handle it.

Reading Comprehension And Math Skills: What’s The Connection?

If students need to improve many of the same skills for both reading comprehension and math, teachers can borrow strategies from literacy instruction and apply them to the math classroom.

Dear Dr. Yael

Worrying is definitely a Jewish occupation.

Mindful Discipline

One of the key tenets in the book is that children need five things from their parents in order to have a healthy relationship:

Dear Dr. Yael

How could they not know how we wish for a child who wakes us up in middle of the night?

Helping Older Kids Read

Phonics is great for young children learning to read, but it can be boring and frustrating for children who have sat through the instruction for years.

Art Before Breakfast

In it he explains that greater creativity leads to greater happiness.

Flipping The Switch On Friendship

The benefits of friendship are particularly potent for women as opposed to men.

Essentialism And Say “No”

In other words, by allowing your children to experience disappointment, you are teaching them how to cope with frustration in the future.

Think Different

It’s hard for us to admit when we don’t know something because we are trained to believe that knowing the right answer will get us ahead...

Starfish Up! How Your Body Language Can Shape Your Life

Why should we not carry ourselves with pride and personal power?

Location, Location, Location

When dealing with a difficult situation as a leader, locate yourself above or below the line.

Social Thinking: Communication And Interaction

The ability to think socially is required prior to the production of social skills.

Anxiety Roundtable: Ask The Experts

When does worrying become anxiety? Is it possible to overcome that anxiety?

Bold And Beautiful Or Still And Strong? Raising Introverted Children

“It is an easy mistake to think that non-talkers are non-feelers.” – Wallace Stegner “I think a lot, but I don’t say much.” – Anne...

Boys And Reading: Q&A

I have compiled a few questions and answers to help everyone understand how we can get boys reading up to their potential.


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