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Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Was A Zionist

MLK believed everyone should be able to live in peace and freedom, no matter how they worshiped God, or the pigment of their skin. He was a fighter for civil rights, and a fighter for Jews and Israel

Dear Dr. Yael

The conversations always start with "Do you have kids?"

Taking Internet Technology To A Whole New Level: An Interview with Dr. Amy Neustein

Today, with health portals being used in so many medical offices and hospitals, this front-end cleanup of patient medical history may actually become a reality.

Dear Dr. Yael

Maybe my letter with inspire people to appreciate what they have.

Dr. Anita Turtletaub: The Beauty of Yiddish And The Merit Of Matchmaking

And yet, despite her lifelong interest and amazing contributions to Yiddish language and literature, her prime forte is matchmaking!

Dear Dr. Yael

For years now, I have disagreed with him and despised his every word and action.

Dear Dr. Yael

Whenever we are together, I come home sad.

Dear Dr. Yael

It seems as if all we are doing is copying the ways of other nations.

Dear Dr. Yael

We have been made to feel socially isolated and only marginally important.

Dear Dr. Yael

After struggling with depression for many years, I realized that my family was filled with toxic people.

Dear Dr. Yael

I love them all, but having 10 grandchildren under the age of 10 means it gets really wild.

Dear Dr. Yael

It takes only one click to reach an inappropriate website and be exposed to...

Five Dems Enjoy All-Expenses- Paid Junket with PFLP ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’

On May 29 the five Democrats met with Shawan Jabarin, a long-time member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

Battling The Scourge Of Cancer, One Drug Cocktail At A Time: The Work Of...

Startling revelations quickly emerged from Dr. Bruckner's first experiments as a special assistant to the NCI associate director.

Dear Dr. Yael

How could they have just sent him back with a warning?

Dear Dr. Yael

Having a strong and positive relationship with your children is like an insurance policy.

Dear Dr. Yael

Not having kids right now has not been a matter of choice for us.

Dear Dr. Yael

The fighting is out of control and upsets my wife very much.

Dear Dr. Yael

If you want to find happiness, find gratitude.

Dear Dr. Yael

Life may be challenging, but the light of Torah and Yiddishkeit will shine in you.

Dear Dr. Yael

The purposely look down and away if I try to smile in their direction.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/the-lid-jeffdunetz/rev-dr-martin-luther-king-jr-was-a-zionist/2024/01/15/

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