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Tag: Wall Street

Ground Zero for the Iran Deal: Rosenthal Versus Nadler

"This district is literally Ground Zero and our representative supported the Iran Deal? Is no one paying attention," Rosenthal queries.

Israeli Marijuana Companies Smoking Up Wall Street

Cannabis is being touted as a cure for diseases from diabetes to Parkinson’s and epilepsy.

Eric Cantor Joins Wall Street Investment Bank

Cantor can thank his defeat to a Tea Party candidate for leading him to more lucrative and stable career.

Goldman Sachs Chief: Rabbi, Jewish Groups Helped Me Succeed

Goldman Sachs chief Lloyd Blankfein recalled the role of his rabbi and Jewish organizations in helping him realize he could succeed despite growing up...

Another Israel Pharmaceutical Firm Goes to NASDAQ

Kitov Pharmaceuticals accounted it plans to apply for listing on the NASDAQ exchange, joining Israel-based Teva and Kamada that are traded on Wall Street. Kitov...

Another Israeli Start-Up to Raise Money on Wall Street

Israeli start-up Outbrain, which provides a digital content management and storage solution,  sis going to Wall Street to raise $100-200 million in a public...

Another Israeli Firm Files for Wall Street IPO

The Israeli-based Wix website developer company has filed for a $75 million initial public offering (IPO) to raise the company’s value to $400 million. Last...

Exile on Wall Street (Podcast)

An interview with Mike Mayo, a financial analyst and author of Exile on Wall Street.

Markets, Politics, And The True Legacy Of Adam Smith

We wonder about the endlessly volatile markets and also (not often enough) about plainly unequal distributions of national wealth, but are the nation’s official policy responses based on correct views of classical economic theory? In particular, what about Adam Smith and his oft-quoted arguments for “free market capitalism”? More than any other classical theorist, Smith has been embraced by conservatives.

Pity: 11 Non-Racist Iranian ‘Wall Street Downfall’ Festival Finalists Were Excellent

The Festival in Tehran awarded first prize to three Jews praying in front of a Western Wall that's been transformed into a Wall Street bank.

Too Much Symbolism? South Bronx Kids Visit Anne Frank Center Betwixt Freedom Tower and...

Is there such a thing as too many metaphors for the triumph of the human spirit packed into one sidewalk, especially such a crowded sidewalk near Wall Street (add that, too, to the mix, wrap in an American flag and call it a day?). But I'm probably being too cynical. It's actually a heart warming story.

Barack Obama’s 2012 New Year’s Resolutions

Obama will eliminate Welfare by requiring all poor people to move in with rich people.

You Just Might Be An ‘Occupier’

Many of us are scratching our heads trying to make sense of the Occupy Wall Street movement and its sundry clones around the world.

A Tale Of Two Movements

Like many other families this past Sukkos, my husband and I took the kids to the park over Chol Hamoed. But we left our mitts and bats in the car when we arrived. This was a trip to Manhattan's Zuccotti Park.

Quick Takes: News You May Have Missed

MoveOn.org To JoinAnti-Wall Street MovementMoveOn.org is planning to launch a protest movement to compliment the Occupy Wall Street momentum with the stated goal of...

Economic Volatility, Hyper Consumption And The ‘Wealth Of Nations’

Adam Smith published his Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations in 1776. A revolutionary book, Wealth did not aim to support the interests of any one particular class, but rather the overall well being of an entire nation. He sought, as every American high school student learns, "an invisible hand," whereby "the private interests and passions of men" will lead to "that which is most agreeable to the interest of a whole society."

Deaf And Dumb

I've often written and said that we are living in remarkable but dangerous times in which we can hear (provided we know how to listen) the footsteps of the Messiah. Ours, however, is a generation that has difficulty hearing.


He sat in his prison cell sulking. I'll call him Steven. Time was playing tricks on him. It seemed like only yesterday, but at the same time like a lifetime ago, that he was married to a wonderful woman and had children who were the joy of his life. He had a high-powered job on Wall Street and luxuries that the average person couldn't imagine.

Justice And Jewish Slavery: Daimler-Chrysler’s Final And Inevitable Collapse

On its face, it would surely be foolish to blame Daimler-Chrysler's extraordinary woes on the very dark history of Daimler-Benz. On its face, the combined company's deep decline is manifestly a function of bad economic judgments. After all, from the very start, the 1998 decision by Germany's Daimler-Benz to merge with Chrysler simply made no financial sense.

The Much Deeper Meanings Of Wall Street’s Wild Ride

In figuring out the core weaknesses of our troubled financial markets, there is far more than meets the eye. On the surface, Wall Street's seemingly interminable wild ride is the obvious outcome of purely economic factors. Yet, at a deeper level, the problem of market weakness and volatility is not really fiscal, but human.

Sleaze, Equivalence, Bias

A few observations on media coverage of last week’s Mercaz HaRav massacre:

Justice And Jewish Slavery: Daimler-Chrysler’s Final And Inevitable Collapse

On its face, it would surely be foolish to blame Daimler-Chrysler's extraordinary woes on the very dark history of Daimler-Benz. On its face, the combined company's deep decline is manifestly a function of bad economic judgments. After all, from the very start, the 1998 decision by Germany's Daimler-Benz to merge with Chrysler simply made no financial sense.

A Memory Of Justice – Chrysler’s Decline And The Third Reich

There can be no justice without memory. In 1998, Chrysler entered into an ambitious merger agreement with Germany's Daimler-Benz. Since that time, its economic well-being has generally and persistently deteriorated. Most recently, Chrysler's woes of falling stock prices and shrinking cash reserves have been aggravated by widening product deficiencies and burgeoning vehicle recalls.

Understanding Recession And Bear Markets A New American Perspective

Personal consumption drives our American economy. To uplift the financial markets and restore confidence on Wall Street and Main Street, everyone now wants the consumer to buy more. Without an aggressive expansion of consumer spending, corporate earnings will remain depressed, growth will stagnate, unemployment will increase, and stock values will decline even further. What then should we do?


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/ground-zero-for-the-iran-deal-rosenthal-versus-nadler/2016/09/16/

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