A Family Destroying Itself

In this week's treasure from Rebbetzin Jungreis' {zt"l) archives she shares a letter from a family in turmoil. This time it’s not the children who rejected parents but a parent who rejected her child

Teaching Davening (Part Two)

Teachers, as well as administrators, must be actively involved in the daily prayers that transpire at a school and must set the bar as dugmaot ishiot, role models, on how one must daven.

The Hurricane We’re Ignoring: Ukrainian Jews In Crisis

LifeChanger FSU, seeks out Jewish children living in the most economically repressed areas of Ukraine who are grappling with extreme poverty, neglect, abuse, and overlooked physical and emotional disabilities, and works with the leadership in local Jewish communities to provide frameworks for their housing, education, and healthcare.

More On Family Breakdowns

A very sad reality exists today: Not only contemptuous children who are abusive and denigrate their parents but parents-and extended family- very often guilty of the same negative behavior

Bernie Sanders Smears Yitzhak Rabin

At the J Street national conference in Washington last week, Senator Sanders, one of the featured speakers, smeared Yitzhak Rabin’s memory and sacrifices, and demanded an end to the 'Occupation'

Another Deceptive Landslide For The Mayor

This is more significant than ever before inasmuch as the mayor seems intent on making the election campaign a referendum on President Trump’s political agenda rather than his own record in office.

The 1957 Attempt To Assassinate Ben-Gurion

When Ben-Gurion was revived at the hospital, he was relieved to learn the attacker was mentally unstable rather than politically motivated.

The Daughters Of Zelophechad (Bava Batra 119b)

The case of yibum concerns the married man who dies without leaving any sons.

Dr. Janan Faraj Falah: Winner Of The Jerusalem Unity Prize

They are known to form close-knit, cohesive communities that don’t allow anyone in, while fully integrating in their adopted homelands.

Are We What We Wear?

Why do we dress as we do? Why do we wear clothes at all? Because, as the expression goes, "clothes make the man," for example, the vestments of the Kohen Gadol.

An Appreciation Of Life: Preparing For Rosh Hashanah

My near-death experience taught me the hard way that every moment we live on this earth must never be taken for granted. Life is a gift from God and it is up to us to make the most of each day.

Camp Mommy – Week 9

Delve deeper! If you found yourself drawn to a particular medium, do it again. Then again.

Recognizing All Of Jerusalem, Here To Stay

Contrary to how Trump’s announcement has been portrayed in the international media, I believe it will advance the cause of peace and the international effort against terror.

The Need To Change

Wisdom from Rebbetzin Jungreis on Shalom Bayis and healing the rifts in the greater Jewish people.

The Art Of The Kotel

The following four artistic depictions of this most sacred Jewish site from my collection are among my personal favorites.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/in-print/from-the-paper/a-family-destroying-itself/2017/03/19/

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