Thirteen Outrages In The Rubashkin Prosecution

In denying a request from an AgriProcessors employee that she recuse herself from his criminal case, Judge Reade did not disclose to him or to Rubashkin’s trial lawyers that she had participated in the planning of the raid.

The Supreme Court’s ‘Jewish Seat’

But by no means do all Supreme Court experts agree that there never was a Jewish seat. Two fascinating examples are President Lyndon Johnson and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Marcel Marceau, Holocaust Hero

Marceau suggested a dark reason for his wordless art: "The people who came back from the [concentration] camps were never able to talk about it…. My name is Mangel. I am Jewish. Perhaps that, unconsciously, contributed towards my choice of silence."

‘He Who Cannot Swear Must Pay’ Does Not Apply To The Debtor’s Heirs...

The court is concerned the plaintiff might be exploiting the heir’s ignorance of his father’s business affairs and is trying to get paid a second time.

Stop Denying The Israeli Consensus On The Palestinians

Lapid said negotiations with the Palestinians would need to be conducted “in very slow stages.” How slow does he envision the process? “15-20 years, the main element of which is security arrangements”

Andy Warhol’s ‘Minyan’

Jews who were considered, but not ultimately selected, include Woody Allen, Saul Bellow, David Ben-Gurion, Marc Chagall, Anne Frank, and Barbra Streisand.

Deserving Of The Future World

Rav Chaim gave him wine to drink and sat him near the fire to thaw out. He then gave him a meal and prepared a bed for him to sleep in.

The Significance Of The Shofar

One of the fundamental aspects of Rosh Hashanah is malchus – accepting Hashem as our king; the one and only king.

Doses Of Reality

As we see it, President Trump’s moves reflected not favoritism but a hard-eyed nod to realism as the basis for serious peace negotiations.

Can You Look Me In The Eye And Lie? (Siman 79:1, Continued)

As for the debtor’s statement that he never borrowed money from the plaintiff, it has been undermined by the two witnesses who testified that he did.

Esau’s Other Face

Rav Kook believed that just as in the Torah, Jacob and Esau and Isaac and Ishmael were eventually reconciled, so will Judaism, Christianity, and Islam be in future. They would not cease to be different, but they would learn to respect one another.

Title: The Person in the Parasha: Discovering the Human Element in the Weekly Torah...

Weinreb shares with us his personal triumphs and tribulations, and lessons from his many travels across the Jewish world.

Division At The Kotel Is No Path To Unity

There is no natural demand for an alternative, mixed space at the Western Wall – from American Jews, much less Israelis. Contrary to the common narrative, it is creating such a space that would divide our nation.

When Moslems Saved Jews

I am done with my little bit of research and I marvel. Not so very long ago Muslim Arabs were willing to risk their lives to save Jews.

Rav Belsky: A Talmid’s Perpsective

Rav Belsky was a once-in-a generation individual; a pioneer and an advocate for the entire Jewish people. One’s background, country of origin, or religious affiliation made no difference. He was there for all of us. We mourn him on this, his second yahrzeit

Love Will Conquer All

A man is approaching. Do I smile and nod, or do I look the other way? He’s looking at me; do I turn my head to respond or do I look out at the trees?

Our First Shabbat Home

Will I ever be able to be the mother this little girl desperately needs?

Just The Two Of Us

We let the children know that this was our time to recharge, reconnect, play, and perhaps enjoy a little quiet.


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