Eruv Tavshilin

When Yom Tov begins on Wednesday night (in Galus), the eruv tavshilin ceremony is performed on Wednesday and when Yom Tov begins on Thursday night it is performed on Thursday, in each case by the head of the household.

Dr. Seuss And The Jews

Seuss’s wartime cartoons denounced American discrimination against Jews and called attention to the early stages of the Holocaust.

The Purim Press

Our Purim Supplement for 2019

Conservative Minister Attacks ‘Moscow-loving, Hamas-hugging’ Corbyn

Gove said that "Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party is a toxic cocktail of unrepentant Marxism-Leninism and unacceptable anti-Semitism."

Vaccination Debate Rears Head Again

A most disturbing aspect to anti-vaccination groups is that debunked frauds and misinformation are routinely treated as fact.

The OU, Open Orthodoxy, And Communal Decision-Making

No organization (i.e.the OU) can excommunicate anyone. It does not, however, mean that our communities lack organizing principles. Those principles operate based on individual choice. People effectively expel synagogues not compliant with mainstream halacha.

Should All Midrashim Be Taken Literally?

We must struggle to understand, says the Rambam, the greatness and wisdom in the words of Chazal.

Judaism And The Rise Of Burka Women

If you start publishing pictures of Rebbetzin Kanievsky and Sarah Schenirer, who knows where you might end up!

Is The Torah Against Women’s Pictures?

Print media may publish modest pictures of men and women; they may not publish immodest pictures or pictures of modestly dressed people posed in a provocative manner. The underlying question remains, "Who defines standards of modesty? Who determines what is considered provocative?"

Invisible Women: Censorship By Some Orthodox Publications

I think most people in society are able to look at modest pictures of women without it eliciting impure thoughts, said Rabbi Steven Pruzansky of Congregation Bnai Yeshurun in Teaneck, New Jersey.

Temple Of The Heart

The Temple is an affair of the heart--it's what is missing from our lives. Subconsciously we have begun more and more to feel this great void in our lives.

Israel’s Protection Money

If the protection money paid to Gaza--to the tune of 1billion NIS annually--does not prevent Jewish fatalities – which have increased 5x since the Oslo peace accords broke out and Israel retreated from Gaza – why does Israel continue to pay these huge sums of money to our sworn enemies?

The Saga Of Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi

Responsibility, taking acharayus for our actions, is something we could all start doing a bit more.

Israel Memorial Day: The Yeshiva That Pays The Price

More and more we are becoming aware of the fact that there is a gaping hole in our lives – the ability to connect to God with our emotions, something connected to the idea of prophecy.

Approach Marine Le Pen With Caution

Depending on where you sit, a Le Pen victory would signal either the demise of fascism or its rebirth.

“Holier than Thou” Chumras – A Cause For Concern

Our sages write that one of the reasons the second Beit Hamikdash was destroyed was because of blind hatred.

Jordan Protects A Killer Of Americans – Where’s The Outrage In Washington?

The U.S. gave Jordan $393 million in aid last year. Is that just a blank check? Or is it time, perhaps, to make some of that aid conditional on Jordan surrendering killers of Americans?

Kiruv Was His Calling

Torah was central to the life of Perry Fish (Z"L). His influence on some 20000 Shabbos guests that came through the warm and loving home he built with his wife Debby is inestimable-and will be missed


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