Rubin Reports: The True Perpetrators of the Antisemitic Attacks in Toulouse and Throughout the...
The street thugs, fanatics, and mentally-twisted may be pulling the trigger, but the distinguished, the powerful, and the honored are providing the ammunition.
Israeli Settlements an ‘Obstacle to Peace’?
The 4th Geneva Convention does forbid government deportation or "individual or mass forcible transfers" of population into territory it occupies. But neither the Geneva Convention nor any other law prevents the establishment of voluntary settlements on an individual basis if the underlying purpose is security, public order or safety, and as long as the settlements do not involve taking private property. It is absurd to suggest that Israel "deported" its own citizens to the territories.
Israel Should NOT be Stuck with a “Fair Fight” Against Hezbollah
This fight must be to win.
First-ever Memorial Day Ceremony Held for Orthodox Jewish soldiers
The Tuesday night ceremony in Jerusalem was attended by some 800 people, including Jerusalem chief rabbis, senior IDF officials and members of the strictly Orthodox Netzach Yehuda Battalion
Empowering Israelis To Express Themselves
Imagine if 100 million Americans participated in the Tea Party movement. And then imagine that the movement had no impact on American politics. Finally imagine that in the wake of the Tea Party movement, Republicans embraced President Obama's positions on spending and taxation.
Jerusalem’s Unique Position in the Expanding Proxy Conflict in the Caucasus
The war in Ukraine has shifted the global balance, leading not only to the creation of previously improbable alliances, but also to the mixing and merging of long-standing conflicts in other regions.
New Year’s Wish: A Worthwhile Palestinian Partner for Peace
Abbas: "How long will this protracted Israeli occupation of our land last? After 67 years how long?"
Israelis, U.S. Jews Differ Dramatically On Obama
Have American Jews abandoned Israel in favor of President Obama? This is a central question in the minds of Israelis today.
‘Moderate’ Holocaust Denial in Iran?
From the 1990s onward, Iran has gone further than any Arab country in hosting and officially endorsing Western Holocaust deniers.
The Ettinger Report: The Precariousness of Israel’s Narrow Waistline
The width of pre-'67 Israel (8-15 miles) equals the distance between JFK & La Guardia airports in NY
The Broader Implications of the Petraeus Resignation: Personal Behavior and Public Office
Originally published at Rubin Reports.
General David Petraeus was the hero of the victorious surge strategy in Iraq. But he also has the distinction of...
Will Netanyahu Call Early Elections?
Israeli national elections are scheduled for November 2013.
Syrian People pay for Western inaction with their lives
The Obama administration needs to lead the world in providing direct aid to the Syrian people to stop the genocide in Syria
86% Rise in anti-Semitism in America?
There is no “surge”. When something is the same as six years ago, it is not a “surge.” It is “historical levels.” More than half the “surge” was caused by one Jewish Israeli
Rachel’s Tomb Hijacked
UNRWA schools now teach that Rachel's tomb is a shrine to a Muslim.
The Rabbi Who Knew the REAL Reasons for Arik Sharon’s Change in Heart
Aug. 2005, Rabbi She’ar-Yashuv Cohen traveled to Jerusalem to make a last minute appeal to Arik Sharon to reconsider his plan to retreat from Gush Katif, History has proven him, not Sharon, correct
U.S.-Israel Memorandum of Understanding: An Unbalanced Deal
It would have been in the larger interest of the United States to script a Memorandum of Understanding with Israel which enhanced Israel's capabilities rather than to constraining them.
J.E. Dyer: Russia, Iran Standing Off from Obama Showcase Events
The holiday from history is over, although we may be the last ones to see it. Neither Russia nor Iran – nor China, North Korea, or Syria, for that matter – is very interested in signing anything with the West right now. Good deals based on the old assumptions aren’t as tempting when better ones seem to lie just over the horizon.
US Mideast Paradox: My Friend who Acts Like an Enemy is my Enemy
A large part of the problem with Obama’s policy is that he not only treated enemies as friends and did not pressure supposed friends that acted like enemies, he joined them.
The Levy Report: Reinvigorating the Discussion of Israel’s Rights in the West Bank
Earlier this month, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was presented with the report of the Commission to Examine the Status of Building in Judea and Samaria, headed by former Supreme Court Justice Edmond Levy (the “Levy report”). The report has drawn a flurry of overwrought criticism due to its inclusion of a section concerning the lawfulness of Israeli settlement activity.
British Allow Anti-Semitic Iranian Propaganda in the UK
The British have been in the news lately for their stretched-to-the-limit political correctness concerning militant Islamists, and have even been jailing British subjects or fining them for allegedly making insulting remarks about Islam. Despite these convictions for "hate crimes" against Islam the British government seems perfectly willing to overlook the converse: anti-Semitic attacks by Iranian front groups against the Jewish community.
J.E. Dyer: You’re Killing Me, Mitt
When Romney speaks of the US auto industry recovering, he is speaking in the language of big, dirigiste government, accepting at face value the short-term effect of a bailout process that has served mainly to perpetuate unprofitable but politically entrenched conditions. It guarantees that more subsidies will be needed down the road.
Syrian Crisis May Top Agenda At Bibi-Obama Meeting
The Iran issue may be moved somewhat down the agenda as flailing Syrian dictator Bashar Assad is being pressured by members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard to move both his WMD cache and long-range Scud missiles to well-protected Hizbullah bases inside Lebanon.
Justice for the Kurds?
Much ink has been spilled about the desirability or even the inevitability of a separate State for Palestinians, whose identity stems from the middle of the 20th century, but what has been much less discussed by the international community -- and for the most part ignored -- is a similar claim by the Kurds, a people with a truly separate ethnic identity as well as a long history.
Israel’s Evolution into a US Force Multiplier
If there were an Israel-like entity in the Persian Gulf, the U.S. could terminate its military presence in the region.
Hebron: Facts on the Ground
When Sigmar Gabriel wrote on his Facebook page that Hebron was “an apartheid regime for which there is no justification,” the chairman of Germany’s main opposition party sparked an outcry that reverberated beyond his virtual wall. But such a conclusion is inevitable when one relies on sources and organizations that present Hebron in an extremely skewed light, like the Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH).
Why I Support Jewish Communities in Judea and Samaria
I am not particularly interested in writing another post excoriating the UNHRC or the UN itself, which is a vile institution, far less than worthless. Rather, I want to summarize some important issues about ‘West Bank settlements’ — that is, Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria — and why I support them.
Senior Benghazi-related executives resign at State – reportedly directed by Trump
"People are not quitting and running away in disgust. This is the White House cleaning house.”