Michael Oren’s Personal Convenience

According to Israel Army Radio, Prime Minister Netanyahu has offered to extend the moratorium on Jewish property rights in Judea and Samaria for an additional three months in exchange for Jonathan Pollard's freedom. That is, if Obama pardons Pollard, who has served 25 years of a life sentence for transferring classified documents to Israel, then Israel will agree to extend the ten-month moratorium on Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria, due to expire next week, for another three months.

Part XVII: Systematically and Methodically Murdered

The AJC voiced its outrage that no voice had been raised by either by the US or the British Government expressing the “horror of free humanity at this cold-bloodied extermination of a people.” After all, these massacres were published in the Jewish press and confirmed by the general press in England and America.

The New Strategic Environment

If the world does not wake up in time to see the danger, Syria will be only the first domino to fall.

A History of ‘Evenhanded’ Failure

On September 25, King Hussein took the extraordinary step of meeting with Israel’s prime minister, despite the countries’ lack of formal diplomatic ties, to warn that Syria and Egypt would soon attack

Keeping Our Cool with Saudi Arabia

Considering Saudi Arabia’s concern over Iran’s ascendancy, Israel is presented with a unique opportunity to dictate terms of engagement to the kingdom. Israel should be reticent in its overtures.

Iran is Taking Over Key Syrian Defense Industries

The CERS Center is responsible for developing and manufacturing chemical, biological and potentially nuclear weapons.

Air Flytilla: Crash and Burn

A common theme among all these individuals and many of the other participants and endorsers is a hatred and preoccupation with Israel that borders on obsession. Consequently, it is no surprise that what seemed like a plea to support a downtrodden people was more of an opportunity to display a one sided view of the conflict. Increasing tension in a conflict situation is not known to help alleviate suffering.

Palestinian Incitement, Attacks, Glorification

Netanyahu has repeatedly accused the PA and Hamas of inciting violence against Israeli citizens.

Are BBC Guidelines on ‘Language When Reporting Terrorism’ About to Get Worse?

A senior news source said: ‘It boils down to that phrase, ‘One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter’.”

Balfour Declaration, November 2016

Arab Jew-hatred has caused Britain to fail occasionally to condemn and to find excuses for Arab aggression against Israelis, all in the name of appeasing the Arabs and their supporters

Something Big Is Happening In Syria But Despite Warnings By 51 US Diplomats Obama...

There has never been a “dissenting message” that was signed by so many diplomats within the State Department.

Palestinian Terrorism: Institutional or Random?

Palestinian terrorism is catalysed by the immoral moral equivalence it and Israeli counter-terrorism

Is the International Criminal Court Becoming a Palestinian Propaganda Engine?

The Palestinians are trying to politicize this international court and turn it into their own “back-yard tribunal” to hassle Israeli leaders and senior military commanders.

Addressing the Sinai: First Step for Israeli/ Moderate Arab Alliance

Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan all have much to gain in fortifying Gaza's borders.

Mordechai Kedar: What’s Really Going on in Gaza?

The Gaza Strip is no different from the rest of the Arab world, so tribal culture is alive and kicking there. Ever since the Hamas movement took control of Gaza trip in 2007, it has transformed itself from a gang of jihadists into a ruling government, a standard Arab state. The minor movements - Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Resistance Committeess - function like tribes, challenging the authority of the state. Today, these groups are doing to Hamas what Hamas did to the PLO twenty years ago when it was in power.

ISM Exposed: How the ISM Sucker-Punched the IDF Again

A career officer is suspended by the IDF and his career may be in ruins because the ISM manipulated a video to once again defame the IDF. But ISM activists do more than just abuse free speech to interfere with the IDF, nor are they starry-eyed pacifists. They represent a definite security risk to Israel and are documented terrorist confederates.

The Peace Process Enabled Hate

Contrary to conventional 'wisdom,' Israel’s “occupation” does NOT spur Palestinian terror; irrefutably, terror increases when Palestinians gain control of land, drops when Israel reasserts control

Islam at the Olympics

The latest anti-prostitution campaign in East London typifies an Islamist strategy, which is to create parallel communities for Muslims that do not interact with their non-Muslim neighbors. Islamists use these initiatives to present themselves as active members of the community, often picking on legitimate and understandable concerns. Their aim is to win new recruits and further their divisive agenda.

Iran Deal Will Trigger Major War in Middle East

If you listen to the mullahs in Tehran, Americans and Israelis are the targets.

Annexing Area C – Israel’s Turn For Unilateral Move?

The new initiatives come on the heels of the European Union's plan to invest in infrastructure in the Arab areas of Area C. According to the E.U.'s numbers only 5.8% of Judea and Samaria's Arabs live in Area C, which comprises 62% of Judea and Samaria.

The Palestinians’ Window of Opportunity Is Closing

Paradoxically, the more resolve Israel shows, the more willing Arabs will be to reach an agreement

Al Qaida Dominates Much of Syria

The report warned that U.S. efforts to arm Sunni rebels could help Al Qaida militias in Syria.

Intolerance and Antisemitism: Britain Jumps the Shark

It could not have happened at all if Britain weren’t already pretty far gone.

The Leo Baeck Education Center Righteous Among the Nations Project

Tehilim 71:9 reads “Do not cast me off in the time of old age; Do not forsake me when my strength fails.” The message is apropos to the endeavor - wonder and spirituality ruled as respect for aging heroes of the Shoah increased among Leo Baeck students.

Part XVI: Soviet Entry into the War and News from the Front

To assist the Soviet Union in its war against Germany, American Jews supported aid to Russia

Why the Mass Media’s Best Effort to Understand Obama’s Failure to Make Israel-Palestinian Peace...

Why are the Palestinians—their leaders’ intransigence, the radicalism of a public opinion nurtured in this direction for years, the effect of the competition from Hamas, and so on—left out of the equation?

Team Obama: ‘Too Politically Sensitive’ to Evacuate US Personnel in Iraq

There is now NO possible explanation for not evacuating at least non-essential personnel from the U.S. embassy and consulates in Iraq.

The Moment of Truth Draws Near

The crowds in the streets of Egypt will increase during the month of Ramadan, which begins on July 9, and religious sensitivities will be heightened as well.

Galileo and the Likud

PM Netanyahu's recent opposition to two Knesset bills underscores a worrying drift in Israeli political culture from the most basic democratic governing principles like separation of powers, and checks and balances.


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