Eight Out Of Fourteen Hundred

Why did it have to be so soon? Could he not have been allowed to accomplish some more things before leaving us?

Disputing, For God’s Sake

The twelve-member bipartisan congressional “super committee” on spending cuts formally conceded defeat late last month, after failing to reach common ground on the issues of tax increases and spending cuts.

The Late Great State of Israel

It has been four long, thrilling years since I first arrived as a journalist in the Middle East. I've reported for months on end from the rocket-battered Jewish communities of the Gaza Strip and the war-torn Israeli-Lebanese-Syrian borders. I've stood in the trenches during massive nationalist protests and Israeli evacuations of Jewish homes.

The Inner Miracle Of the Oil: Chanukah as Precursor to Redemption

The Chanukah story as we know it describes a wicked tyrant, Jewish resistance, and the miracle of oil that burned for eight days instead of one.

Ronald Reagan and the Jews

"Reagan I could trust." - Yitzhak Shamir"He was unshakable; a staunch supporter." - Shimon Peres

On Not Dancing To The Democrats Tune

It brings me no joy to say that Teresa Heinz Kerry is not worthy of being the first lady of the United States of America.

Sin Of The Grasshoppers

With Israel surrounded, as ever, by implacable enemies and forced to endure withering assaults of negative international opinion, we can take needed comfort and learn an important lesson from the Torah context of some key phrases in the Yom Kippur liturgy we recited just days ago.

The Eye Sees, The Ear Hears

Perhaps we were better off when we were less sophisticated and just lived with emunah peshutah.

Failed Experiment: New York’s Only Chief Rabbi

Rabbi Jacob Juspha, better known as Rabbi Jacob Joseph, was born into a very poor family in Kroz, Lithuania in 1840.

Jew vs. Jew

It sounds like a contradiction in terms. An oxymoron. If only it were. Jewish anti-Semitism is a modern disease. The world is experiencing an explosion of it. Among the most malicious and venomous of all bigots, Jewish anti-Semites are at the forefront of just about every smear campaign against Israel and other Jews.

The War for Peace and Democracy

Over the past four years, other free nations have risen in the broader Middle East. Across that region, the political dialogue has been transformed - and politicians, scholars, students, and men and women from every walk of life are talking about freedom, equal rights, and accountable institutions of government.

Experiencing The Chagim In The Midst Of Terror

Rabbi Yehuda responded, "If you didn't know him personally, it is impossible for you to fully appreciate his loss." I heartily agreed.

Two Candidates Walk Into A Bar… Comedy and Presidential Politics

For days after the Al Smith Memorial Dinner, held in mid-October at the Waldorf Astoria, the media buzzed with clips of presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama delivering hilarious routines that put many professional comedians to shame.

Dr. Seuss And The Jews

Seuss’s wartime cartoons denounced American discrimination against Jews and called attention to the early stages of the Holocaust.

Ambassador Friedman Launches Movement To Kill Two-State Solution

In his speech, Friedman cited the Palestinian track record as a major reason why they cannot be permitted to have their own state. Palestinians got control of Gaza and quickly elected Hamas.

Milk and Honey

The nightmare visited upon the elderly couple took its toll. Within the year, they both succumbed to the agony of their ordeal, having been unable to withstand the spiritual loss of their one and only child.

Driven To The Truth

Where did this incredible strength come from? What drove these Jews, who had nearly lost all of their national identity and spiritual connectivity, to risk their lives by standing up against one of the strongest and most fearsome governments of its time?

From Coast To Coast, It’s Open Season On Jews

It’s like the media [are] bending over backwards to be politically correct.

The Truth About Charedim In The IDF

Hesder yeshivot go a long way toward debunking the secularization concern, but hesder yeshivot have also made various religious compromises. And philosophically, religious Zionist soldiers embrace certain nationalistic elements foreign to the charedi belief system.

Strategies Of Jewish Survival

For two thousand years, Jews exiled from their homeland and lacking political sovereignty were easy targets for elitist rulers on the right and the pseudo-egalitarian mob on the left. When Emancipation came and Jews exited the ghettos, Jewish self-made pitfalls were no less horrific, as many embraced the trendy “isms” of secular society only to spiritually assimilate and disappear from history. Yet despite the persecutions, on the one hand, and the enticements of some host countries’ cultures, on the other, the Jewish nation lives.

Military Matters: An Interview With Victor Davis Hanson

There have been frequent comparisons of late between the United States and the Roman Empire. How valid do you think those comparisons are?

Jews Who Hate The Jewish State

Today, as in the past, the conduct of Jews who despise their own people spans the full spectrum of political depravity.

Religious Coercion, Reform Style

The political interference by the rabbis is getting more and more unbearable.
George Herbert Walker Bush

Back to the Future: A Political Excursion

There was at least one prominent figure in the Bush administration whose support for Israel was up front and genuine – the much maligned vice presi­dent, Dan Quayle.

Sports and the Orthodox Jewish Fan

On Sunday night, many observant Jews will be among the hundreds of millions of people watching the Jets fan's nightmare as the Giants play the Patriots in Super Bowl XLII.

The Early Zionist Celebration Of Tu B’Shevat

The fifteenth day of the month of Shevat was designated for calculating the age of trees both for harvesting and tithing purposes, and this “Jewish Arbor Day” was celebrated at least as far back as Talmudic times.

From Russia With Terror

Because Arafat is a master of deceit - and I unfortunately contributed to that.

Prerequisites For Peace: The Road Map One Year Later

The virulent propaganda that Abbas has espoused (including equating Zionism with Nazism and denying the Holocaust) is now the hallmark of the Arab world and a primary tool in the global campaign to discredit Israel.

Letters From Israel – Left And Right

This is not to say the Palestinians are blameless or justified in the ongoing conflict – far from it – but we are the ones with the power and our government has managed to destroy any hope on either side for a solution.

Turning Our Backs On Orthodox Education

Our schools will now experience even greater pain, and the phony rhetoric used by Federation to justify its wrongful decision only makes matters worse.


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