Guard Your Influence (Conclusion)

It is quite a mind-shift to look at your life from the future. This entails thinking about your greatest legacy, how will one be remembered?

Friendship To The Rescue

The United States was convinced that Israel could never prevail against so many Arabs and feared that U.S. troops would be called in to save Israel.

The Breakfast Of Champions (Part IV)

Monona Grove was headed to “State” and the Silver Eagle fans went insane. The coming games would not be played in monotonous high school gyms erected in the 1950s. They were off to the University of Wisconsin's colossal Kohl Center where they would play before a crowd of 12,000. The games would be broadcast to a statewide television audience of millions, as a battery of newspapers and stations would be begging for interviews. The Kohl Center was just a short drive from Monona, technically in the same city.

A Humbling Lesson (Part II)

The enormity of Hiram’s accomplishments crazed him and deluded him into self-deification.

The Origin Of The Most Pivotal Ship In Zionist History

A betting man would have been hesitant to wager if the Warfield could make it across the Atlantic. Yet the group of idealistic recruits set off on February 25, 1947 under Haganah Captain Ike Aronowicz.

Salek Discovers Apt

Whereas Salek's father's appearance was rather modern for that period - sporting only a short beard, just like his cousins - his grandfather, Avrohom Orenstein, had a flowing beard and wore a shtreimel on Shabbos.

Breakfast And Happiness (Part III)

“I never said I have nothing to complain about,” she intoned with an expression that belied her age. “I just don’t see the wisdom of protesting. I am fine and I am being adequately nourished.” And with that she went back to her cereal.

Reb Elimelech M’Lizhensk (Part VIII)

Scholars have debated where precisely the Baal Shem Tov was born, few giving credence to the tiny village of Okopy (pronounced Akup). Most likely he hailed from Kolomyya on the slopes of the Carpathian Mountains and on the banks of the Prut River. Nearly 300 years have lapsed since the passing of the Baal Shem Tov and all the while the stories of his miraculous abilities have increased. Yet all fail to fully portray his greatness.

The Yale Five (II)

Since the students knew the housing rules in advance they should not have picked Yale hoping for an exception in their instance.

The Breakfast Of Champions (Conclusion)

Overtime proved to be as tense and white-knuckled as the fourth quarter. Halfway through, New London grabbed a defensive rebound and charging toward their basket when Monona’s forward poked away the ball and broke away. In a slick maneuver he managed to split the defense and went up virtually slamming it to give Monona Grove the lead.

Israel’s Inventive Capture Of The Negev

Israel’s innovative, young commander of the Negev campaign was Yigal Allon. In order to break the Egyptian hold, he would have to get his troops to the south undetected. This was a significant challenge as the only surfaced road was bordered by several Egyptian strongholds.

Reb Elimelech M’Lizhensk (Part IV)

Reb Elimelech M’Lizhensk was considered one of the finest students of the Baal Shem Tov’s successor, the Maggid MiMezretch. When the Maggid passed away, his disciples gathered for the funeral and then had to decide who would succeed their master.

A Humbling Lesson (VII)

Reb Shlomo Zalman could not endure honorifics applied to him because of his enormous humility

Ascending The Ladder

One-out-of-three is not the kind of language that Dr. Weinblatt would ever employ, let alone even allow himself to think. The man is a fount of hope.

What Motivates Our Decisions?

Who could ever know if learning with disciples was preferable to pursuing self-growth and attaining spiritual perfection at the feet of the generation’s most respected saint?

Jewish Practice In The U.S. Military (XII – Conclusion)

The conclusion to the legal saga of whether Dr. Simcha Goldman could wear his yarmulke while serving in the US Air Force. Chodesh Tov!

Reb Elimelech M’Lizhensk (Part VII)

In 1648 and 1649 Bogdan Chmelnitzky and his hordes of Cossack warriors perpetrated an annihilation campaign against the Jews of Poland and the Ukraine. Almost 100,000 Jews and 300 communities perished at the hands of these murderous mobs. All of the Jews, including infants, were targeted for murder; the general populaces nearly always joined in the attacks, and the torture and degradation of Jews was an integral aspect of the murderer’s procedures.

The Ever-Amazing Reb Elimelech (Conclusion)

Reb Elimelech personally selected his burial spot, explaining that on that location he perceived the soul of the Baal Shem Tov. Reb Elimelech returned his pure soul to his Maker on 21 Adar, 1787 at the age of 70. Ever since, his burial plot has become a center for prayer and personal requests.

The Rubashkin Saga – X

While we rejoice at the recent release of Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin from prison, the series continues this month and beyond.

Breakfast And Happiness (Part I)

After having written this column for so many years, and covering so many topics, I am (finally) bowing to the numerous requests to write about our blessed family. More specifically, I shall commit to paper everyone’s favorite routine: the scene at our breakfast table.

President Truman’s Recognition Of Israel

Eight days after Truman became president, he was visited by a Zionist delegation headed by Rabbi Steven S. Wise. The President told his guests that he supported the Zionist goals, but he was very concerned about opposition from the State Department.

The Belzer Rebbe’s Flight To Freedom

Beginning in the tiny Galician town of Belz, Rabbi Aharon Rokeach, better known as the Belzer Rebbe, maintained his chassidic court despite the constant danger.

The Ever-Amazing Reb Elimelech (Part XVIII)

After Reb Elimelech had restored the glory of his colleague, Reb Shmelkeh of Nikolsburg, he departed home to Lizhensk. He was en route when a voice descended from Heaven and proclaimed, “In the merit of your helping Reb Shmelkeh you have the privilege of blessing whomever you desire during the next 24 hours. And your blessing will be fulfilled.”

The Yale Five (III)

The Yale 5 were treated liked pariahs by their fellow Jewish students; their beliefs rejected

The Rubashkin Saga – XV

Another installment in the ongoing Rubashkin saga

The Voyage Of The Exodus 1947

Exodus passengers were separated on the port into men and women, invoking the worst associations to these concentration camp survivors.

The Termination Of Shtetl Life

Over a year ago, I suggested that our knowledge of the Holocaust was limited because of our familiarity with only a few, well-known stories from that period.

Reb Elimelech M’Lizhensk (Part II)

The parents of Reb Elimelech M’Lizhensk, Eliezer Lipman and his pious wife, Mirish, emanated from families that could trace their lineage all the way back to Rashi, Rav Yochanan Hasandlar of Talmudic fame and even King David. They lived in the townlet of Lapachi, not far from Tiktin.


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