Matot: Why Is The End of Bamidbar So Anticlimactic?

The Torah is a book of great drama, why does the narrative ends with a seemingly-unnecessary story about a random conquest of some towns?

Aleph Beta: Chayei Sarah: Find Me A Find, Catch Me A Catch!‏

In our journey to understand the epic legacy of Abraham and Isaac, the stories of their actions and attributes are abruptly cut short by...

AlephBeta: Shelach: Optimism vs. Pessimism

Are pessimists just rationalists, and is hope just naivete?

Noach: Why Aren’t Dinosaurs In the Torah?‏

Why is there is no mention of dinosaurs, and other prehistoric animals, in the Torah?

Shemini: Why Keep Kosher?

What if there was a way for us to think about kosher that makes sense and can strengthen our relationship with God?

Aleph Beta: Tetzaveh: Angels In the Tabernacle Part II‏

How the 3 partitions of the mishkan each relate to a layer of creation, aiding our connection to God

Parsha Behaalotchea: A Guide For…Parenting? Part II

Rabbi Fohrman delves deeper into the Priestly Blessing and its relevant lessons

Aleph Beta: Va’etchanan: What Did Moses Do Wrong? Part II‏

Reaching a stronger understanding of what Moses actually did to prevent him from entering the land

Aleph Beta: Eikev: Why Does The Nation of Israel Merit The Land?

Is it because of merit or the promise to our ancestors that B'nai Israel gets to enter Israel?

Vayechi: Who Is Joseph’s Real Father?

When Joseph agrees to bury Jacob in Canaan, Jacob bows to him in relief - why?

Balak – What Is Israel’s National Mission?

For the first time in a while, the main characters of the parsha--Bilaam and Balak-- are NOT the people of Israel.

Ha’azinu: A Unique Nation

Once we recognize that our separation from God is our fault, how do we repair it?

Kedoshim: How Can I Find True Love?

Rabbi Fohrman explains how the Torah provides the building blocks of true love.

Aleph Beta: Va’era: Seeing God In Science‏

Rabbi Fohrman asks about an interesting name of God and leads a whirlwind tour of modern cosmology

Aleph Beta: Beshalach: Are We An Ungrateful Nation?

In Parshat Beshalach (Exodus 13:17-17:16) we're introduced to a nation of whiners and complainers. After years of slavery, the Israelites are finally a free...

Aleph Beta: Devarim: What Did Moses Do Wrong?

Moses begins Sefer Devarim reviewing much of the 40 years in the desert & why he can't enter Israel

Aleph Beta: Naso: Letting Our Children Go

This week's video discusses the important connection between the Priestly Blessing and parenting.

Bereishit: Thank You, God…For Making Me A Woman?‏

Rabbi Fohrman:" Great evils are often wrought by those who are blithely unaware of the power they wield."

Toldot: What Is Isaac’s Legacy?

Looking at examples of the word "toldot" to argue we produce not only children but vision and legacy

Toldot: a Conversation for the Ages

What does the parsha teach us about the nature of heritage?

Aleph Beta: Ki Teitzei: How To Merit Long Life‏

The promise for long life only comes from 2 commandments; What's the connection between them?

Aleph Beta: Toldot: All’s Well That Ends Well‏

In the tales of Isaac one thing becomes apparent: He's rarely the main character in his own stories!

Aleph Beta: Re’eh: Why Do We Need The Oral Law?

Why do Rabbinic laws seem different than Biblical? What does law have to do with God & spirituality?


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