A Jester Saved The Jews

The story goes back over 150 years to the days of Catherine the Great, who ruled all of Russia with a firm but fair hand.

Chanukah Contest 2005


The Witches

While Shimon ben Shetach was head of the Sanhedrin a great sage passed away. He came to a disciple in a dream and told him of the great punishments awaiting Rabi Shimon ben Shetach because he permitted 80 witches to continue living in Ashkelon. As these witches were casing the people to sin, he would be punished for allowing them to live.

Daniel In The Lion’s Den

He loved Daniel very much, but was helpless to do anything in the face of all of his ministers and soldiers.

Stingy Townspeople

He then complained to the emperor that the Jews were rebelling against him.

Deserving Of The Future World

Rav Chaim gave him wine to drink and sat him near the fire to thaw out. He then gave him a meal and prepared a bed for him to sleep in.

The Exile Of Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai

Rabi Yosi heard all this in silence but Rabi Shimon was constrained to answer.

Their Lives Saved By Charity

The piety and good deeds of Rabi Chanina ben Dosa inspired his disciples to follow in his footsteps. Foremost among his good deeds was charity. The following story is told about two of Rabi Chanina's disciples.

The Pious One

If I angrily punished him for insulting me in his time of bitterness, then people would begin to question my objectivity and my judgment.

Causing Rain To Come

Once when there was a drought in Eretz Yisrael, the rabbanim approached Rabi Yochanan Ben Zakkai. “Rebbe,” they said, “please pray to Hashem that He send rain before the people perish from thirst and hunger.”

Stories About Tzedakkah

He followed her advice and, before departing, the rabbanim offered him a bracha. “Aba Yudin, may the Lord return your wealth, for all the kind deeds you do.”

Torah Lengthens Life

Chazal tell us that Torah is our life and the length of our days. Here is a story that proves this statement quite literally. In Yerushalayim there lived a family in which all the children passed away at an early age. Everything possible was done to protect the children from illness and the slightest danger, however, it was to no avail. Not one child lived past the age of 18.

Respect For Our Fellow Human Beings

Rabi Elazar looked down from his mule and perceived that the stranger was truly the ugliest man he had ever seen.

Rav Moshe Of Peshvorsk

Naturally, when these angels are called upon to testify concerning the life of the man who created them, being liars, they tell all sorts of false tales concerning this man.

Hillel HaZakein

His wife being the prototype of an aishes chayil hurried and diligently prepared a truly delicious meal, fit for the finest table.

B’Yom Tzom Kippur

Is There A Drunk In Here? One Yom Kippur Eve, as the sun began to set and the congregation prepared to say Kol Nidrei, everyone...

The Shaagas Aryeh

Both giants of Torah rose higher and higher in the intellectual battle, each one asking and the other answering.

The Chofetz Chaim

The Chofetz Chaim, the great Rav Yisroel Meir HaCohen, was known throughout the world for his scholarship and understanding of human nature, and as...

A Man’s Destiny Is Decreed On The New Year

They protested their innocence, but the tax collector would not listen to them and they were subsequently jailed.

Stories Of Pesach

Pesach is synonymous with aiding the poor and the needy. In the city of Kovno where the great Reb Yisroel Salanter was the chief rabbi, there was a special house set aside for the very poor; there they were housed and given food. Unfortunately, the house was a dilapidated one and in massive disrepair.

The Civil War Against The Maccabees

Every day a casket filled with gold would be lowered from the walls of Jerusalem and in return the army of Aristobulos would send up cattle for the korbanos.

Outwitting The Dishonest Innkeeper

He walked out of the room, making sure to leave the door ajar so that the two litigants could hear his voice.

The Patience Of The Jew

The people trembled in fear. But standing at the side during the whole conversation was young Naftali – who understood Polish and overheard everything that had been said.


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