Too Long Without A Rav

The Gaon Yosef Ber Solovetichik, while chief rabbi of Slutsk, was in poor financial straits. It was a poor community, and there was very little money for the rabbi. Once, a delegation from Mohlev arrived to offer the gaon the position of chief rabbi of Mohlev, which was a larger and wealthier town. The gaon, however, refused the offer.

Who Bought The Romans To Israel?

If you were to ask the average Jew who destroyed the Bais HaMikdash and who sent the Jewish people into galus, he would instantly answer, “The Romans.”

The Story Of Daniel

In the third year of the reign of Yehoyakim, melech Yehuda, Nevuchadnezzar, melech Bavel, lay siege to Yerushalayim and conquered it. He took many treasures from the Beis HaMikdash back with him to the land of Shinar.

Rabi Akiva Clarifies

The Strength Of Suffering Man does not have it easy in this world. Sufferings are often visited upon him tempting him to curse his fate...

The Shaagas Aryeh

Both giants of Torah rose higher and higher in the intellectual battle, each one asking and the other answering.

Short Subjects On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

If the earthly court decreed that today is Rosh Hashanah, Hashem commands the angels to call the heavenly court into session.

The Translation Of The Torah

By having a powerful army ready and prepared to do battle at a moment’s notice. But he should be discreet in using the army. He should carry a big stick but speak softly.

Outwitting The Dishonest Innkeeper

He walked out of the room, making sure to leave the door ajar so that the two litigants could hear his voice.

The Love For Israel

There was once a tzaddik from Poland, Reb Velveli, who decided to settle in Eretz Yisrael. The land was poor and inhabited by very few people, but he and his wife had such love for the land that they were willing to suffer privation and hunger just to be one of its citizens.

Authority In Israel

How could he violate the sanctity of the holiest day of the year by carrying money and a staff on the day he knew to be Yom Kippur?

A Torah-Sharpened Mind

No, it is not so, I am an honest and God-fearing Jew. Because of this I returned your lost wallet to you. If you do not wish to give me the reward I gladly waive all right to it. I only ask that you do not accuse me falsely.

Tales From Volozhin

The agent’s plan proved to be successful. Rich people began to respect him more and more. They increased the size of their donations. One wealthy patron, however, refused to give him any money at all.

The Story Of Chanukah (continued from last week)

Many long hours were spent carefully planning for the Greek attack. Finally, all that could be done was done and the city waited tensely for the Greek hordes to come.

The Earthquake (Conclusion)

“Leave me Zemira,” cried Raamyah, “I have shamed you and your family. I have deceived my child whom I love so much. Turn your back on me for I can offer you only tragedy and unhappiness.”

Despises A Liar

Suddenly, it appears that the Satan has become pious. In addition, he causes you to gossip, which in itself is a terrible sin.

The Power Of Truth

Rabi Pinchas’ piety and honesty were known far and wide. He would often say, “Even though our Sages (Yevamot 65b) declared that to preserve the peace, a person may change his words to fit the situation, I will never utter a false word regardless of the consequences.” If he heard that one of his followers had uttered a false word, he would expel him from his presence.

No Evil For Good

Every night he would go out in the darkness and dig for hours until the waters began to rise, and watering places for the weary and thirsty came into being.

The Bread

The sages asked them, “Why are you unwilling to instruct others?”

An Expensive Agreement (Continued from last week)

What you have given me is not really mine. At any moment you can grow angry with me and take it back. How can I list it then as my own?

The True World’s Righteousness

“I wanted you to have a taste of the cold,” answered Rav Chaim. “This way, you too can feel the intense cold and realize the suffering of this man and his wife, who are now residing in a bitterly cold house.”

The Ring Was Worth More

“What!” she cried. “Didn’t you know that the ring contained an expensive diamond, which was worth a lot of money?”

The Four Described Deaths

The death penalty in Judaism was seldom invoked because of the requirement for prior warning and two witnesses to the act that called for the penalty. Nevertheless, the Torah solemnly prescribes these penalties and through them one could judge the magnitude of the offense.

Charity Saves From Death

Rabi Meir was accustomed to remaining in shul each morning until every person left. He was usually the last person to leave. One day, he davened very fast and left very early. Walking outside, he thought to himself, “Why did I leave early? Is it possible that G-d ordained it so that a miracle may occur through me today?”

Daniel In The Lion’s Den

He loved Daniel very much, but was helpless to do anything in the face of all of his ministers and soldiers.

The Chassidim Of Germany

Crowded into their ghettos and suffering legal disabilities that make today’s claims of discriminations pale into insignificance, the German Jews suffered poverty and wretchedness.

Crossing The Yam Suf

A miracle occurred throughout the world: all the waters in wells, caves, rivers and even in glasses also divided and remained so until Bnei Yisrael passed through the sea.

Yannai and Rabi Shimon

The Return Of The Sage When Rabi Simeon ben Shetach saw that he had found favor in the eyes of King Yannai (after he appointed him Nasi of the Sanhedrin), he approached the king and said: “If I have found favor in your eyes will you grant me a wish? Something sorely vexes me that only you can rectify.”


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