The Earthquake (Part Two)

Time passed and Zemira gave birth to a son but not even this could awaken Avinadav from his melancholy.

The Earthquake (Part One)

Yonadav was greatly impressed at the vast sums of money the young man had in his possessions.

The Greatest Charity Of All

“I do nothing worthwhile,” he modestly replied and refused to discuss any of his deeds. For the man was a very modest and humble person.

The Unmerciful Doctor

“I’ll pay you whether you cure her or kill her,” shouted the loyal husband.

Deserting His Classification

Now let me ask you, what would happen to an infantryman if he deserted his regiment and went to serve in the cavalry? He would be court-martialed, wouldn’t he?”

The Man Who Forgot G-d

So began a marvelous period of good fortune. He invested the twenty-four gold pieces in many types of businesses and everything his hand touched turned to gold.

The Ibn Ezra And The Wild Man

Pressing close to the cage, the Ibn Ezra shouted the words, “Shema Yisrael…”

Rabi Eliezer Ben Hurkones

“It isn’t the work,” said Eliezer. “I want to learn our holy Torah.”

The Sinning City

In their perverted justice they also declared the following law: Anyone who was injured by another so that blood flowed from his wound, was compelled to pay his attacker since he bled him!

A Letter From Shabbos To The Ibn Ezra

Know that from. the day I began to recite the holy name of God, I have always loved Shabbos

Rashi – Rav Shlomo Yitzchaki

By means of a clever pretext, they succeeded in getting Rabi Yitzhak aboard a ship and sailed it down the river.

G-d’s Helper

One winter morning a terrible blizzard raged, the weather dropped to below zero, and the woman became desperately ill.

The Chassidim Of Germany

Crowded into their ghettos and suffering legal disabilities that make today’s claims of discriminations pale into insignificance, the German Jews suffered poverty and wretchedness.

More Stories About Rav Naftali Of Ropshitz

One of the greatest opponents was a certain wealthy man who did all that he could to make life difficult for Rav Naftali.

Rav Naftali Of Ropshitz

The two fathers began to discuss the terms and naturally, they were astounded to find that each one assumed that the other would give double.

Rav Naftali Of Ropshitz

Rav Naftali was born the day that the Baal Shem Tov passed away, on the holiday of Shavuos, in the year 5520

Succeeds Halfway

“The mitzvah of drawing water for the baking of the matzah for the Seder comes only once a year. I do not care to share it with a horse.’’

In The Ghetto Of Worms

With enthusiasm, zemiros that had been purposefully collected for the evening were chanted.

The First Departure

Bnei Yisrael marched out of Mitzrayim with a mighty hand under their great leader Moshe. This was not, however, their first attempt to escape from Mitzrayim and return to the land that G-d had promised their fathers.

The Power Of Truth

Rabi Pinchas’ piety and honesty were known far and wide. He would often say, “Even though our Sages (Yevamot 65b) declared that to preserve the peace, a person may change his words to fit the situation, I will never utter a false word regardless of the consequences.” If he heard that one of his followers had uttered a false word, he would expel him from his presence.

A Jester Saved The Jews

But not everyone is destined to taste of the fruit of this world and to enjoy its vintage. Among the inhabitants of this town lived a poor man, Nachumka.

The Terrible Decree

The Jewish people are hardly strangers to persecution and tyranny. When we hear of the complaints of other peoples, we smile bitterly and wonder: What do they know of persecution? What do they know of tragedy and bitterness? We are a people who have experienced oppression for centuries and have drunk deeply of the bitter cup of woe.

The Love For Israel

There was once a tzaddik from Poland, Reb Velveli, who decided to settle in Eretz Yisrael. The land was poor and inhabited by very few people, but he and his wife had such love for the land that they were willing to suffer privation and hunger just to be one of its citizens.

Will Moshiach Be A Chassid?

The stories concerning Rav Naftali of Ropshitz are quite numerous and reveal his sharp biting wit. Rav Naftali was often persecuted and sneered at by misnagdim but the sharp mind with which he was blessed always served him in good stead in finding proper answers.

Your Future Recorded In The Torah

Reb Moshe Chaim Ephraim, the grandson of the Baal Shem Tov, was a deeply learned man who took his sources and admonitions from the Torah.

Rav Chaim Tzanzer

From the remarkable Beis Midrash in the town of Brodi came forth a dazzling number of Talmudic chachamim (scholars), many of whom went forth to greatness in the annals of Israel. One of them was Rav Chaim Tzanzer.

The Downtrodden People

The great sage Don Yitzchak Abarbanel (1437-1508) would never stop lauding the brilliance and sagacity of his fellow Jews to King Alfonso V of Portugal. Abarbanel was the King’s treasurer and he was respected and loved by the monarch.

Only The Money Was In Exile

The Baal Shem Tov had two grandsons, Rav Moshe Chaim Ephraim and Reb Baruch. Both were pious and well educated in Torah, yet, Rav Moshe lived a frugal and poor life while his brother, Reb Baruch, became very wealthy.

The Restless Soul

“Sin between man and G-d, Yom Kippur can forgive, but the sins between man and his fellow man, Yom Kippur cannot forgive until his fellow man forgives and he makes amends (Yomah 85b).

A Torah-Sharpened Mind

Rav Eliyahu Chaim Maisel of Lodz was a great scholar and also had a very sharp mind. Because of his own cleverness, he once saved an innocent Jew from an unjust punishment.


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