Large billboards featuring President Donald Trump and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman shaking hands in front of an Israeli flag were unveiled Monday in Israel and Washington, DC. This marks the first time the Saudi leader has appeared on billboards in Israel. The message displayed reads: “We Are Ready,” and “Israel Is Ready.”

The campaign, spearheaded by the Coalition for Regional Security, an initiative of over 100 Israeli security, diplomacy, and business leaders, advocates for strong US leadership in achieving full Saudi-Israel normalization as part of the broader Abraham Shield Plan—a strategic initiative aimed at addressing regional threats and ensuring the future stability of the Middle East.

The billboard campaign, displayed in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and locations where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is visiting in Washington, D.C., comes after a letter from the Coalition to President Trump, urging his leadership to advance a Saudi-Israel normalization agreement and implementing the Abraham Shield Plan. This plan outlines six key security priorities:
1. Stabilizing Gaza: Secure the release of all hostages, end the conflict, and establish a technocratic transitional government, supported by regional allies, to oversee Gaza’s reconstruction and de-Hamasification.
2. Neutralizing Hezbollah: Enforce a “zero violations” policy in southern Lebanon, strengthen the Lebanese Army, and stabilize the Lebanese government.
3. Creating a Syrian buffer zone: Prevent Iranian entrenchment, stabilize Syria, and establish it as a strategic buffer against the Iranian axis.
4. Fast-tracking Saudi normalization: Deepen the “Abraham Alliance” by immediately normalizing relations with Saudi Arabia and expanding cooperation with moderate Arab states.
5. Blocking Iran’s nuclear ambitions: Implement a “Blockade Plan” led by the “Abraham Alliance” to isolate Iran and counter its regional influence.
6. Advancing Israeli-Palestinian separation: Develop a gradual, secure, and sustainable separation framework supported by regional collaboration.