Is the Coexistence at Barkan – A Hebrew in the Heartland [audio]

On today's show David will be speaking with Gedaliah Blum from No2BDS about "Coexistence" terminology. Many Israel advocates are stating that Barkan industrial park is an island of peace and coexistence. But is that the fact and what does coexistence actually mean?

Political Hitman – The Case for Progressive Zionism [audio]

Sharon fills in for Howie and Political Hitman's "resident leftie" makes the case for progressive Zionism as the way forward.

Hold Them Accountable! Mount Meron – An Avoidable Tragedy. – Political Hitman [audio]

The disaster at Mount Meron on Lag Baomer was completely avoidable. Howie argues that the people responsible for the accident be held accountable for the 45 deaths.

Anti-Jewish Europeans? Why are you Surprised?! – Political Hitman [audio]

Howie examines anti-Jewish sentiments in Europe and asks the question "Why are you surprised?!" He then talks about Israel's connection to the bible and why anti-Jewites exist.

Murdered Jews? Who Cares?!!! – Political Hitman [audio]

Jews are being murdered and the world doesn't care. Who's fault is that? Howie has some ideas...

American Jewry is Dead. Long Live Judaism! – Political Hitman [audio]

Americans are intermarrying and assimilating at an extraordinarily high rate. Howie examines the end of American Jewry and the promotion of Judaism among American Jews.

Israel is Under Attack – Howie has a Theory on The Government’s Inaction –...

Howie forwards a theory on why the Government hasn't responded to 13 years of rocket barrages. He then talks to Alan Silver who updates on the current state of attacks.

Political Hitman – Why Won’t the Left Accept the Results? [audio]

Critics jumped on Donald Trump for refusing to pledge that he'd accept the results of the presidential election.

Strong Jews Unwanted! – Political Hitman [audio]

Howie talks about how Jews like to be victims for political advantage.

Celebrity Jews That Hate Israel?…WHO CARES?! – Political Hitman [audio]

Howie examines the phenomenon of Jewish celebrities who hate Israel and asks the question....Who cares?! - He also looks at Kamala Harris, the Democratic candidate for US President..

Where are the Strong Jews?!! – Political Hitman [audio]

A young Jewish woman is brutally murdered in Israel, where are the strong Jews? Synagogue desecration, cemeteries attacked, where are the strong Jews? The silence from the Jewish Community is deafening...

Political Hitman – G-d’s Top 10 List – Do we listen?! [audio]

How well do we follow the 10 commandments and how do they make us a better person?

A European Holocaust is Imminant – Jews Must Get Out! – Political Hitman [audio]

Howie talks about the impending Holocaust in Europe and asks the question about why Jews are staying in Europe.

De Blasio Apologizes while Democrats Plan a Coup – Political Hitman [audio]

In a jam packed not to be missed Political Hitman: Howie is shocked at a surprise announcement by NY Mayor Bill De Blasio. He then turns his sights on the hypocrisy of PLO Chief Saeb Erekat and then he predicts the fall of The American Empire.

Intifada, Intifada, GO BACK TO THE OVENS! – Are Jews in North America Safe?!...

Howie looks at Anti-Jewism in North America and wonders if Jews are at risk of another Holocaust.

He’s Jewish! Jefferey Epstein and Pointing Out Famous Jews – Political Hitman [audio]

Jeffery Epstein was Jewish and had a pedophile sex island. David Berkowitz was Jewish and a mass murderer, yet Jews still point out famous Jews. Howie looks at this practice and then discusses the end of the Jewish Community in North America.

Political Hitman – Ode to Jewish Unity [audio]

Howie overheard a conversation where one Jew claimed to be superior to another Jew.

Cancel Hitler? Howie Says NO! – Political Hitman [audio]

You'll never believe Howie's reaction when a friend called to tell him about a store near him selling Nazi propaganda! Howie explores cancel culture and Jew hatred in this riveting episode of Political Hitman.

On Passover, Jewish High School Kids Can’t Define Freedom! – Political Hitman [audio]

Howie asks a group of high school students to define freedom, YOU WON'T BELIEVE what they answer!

Political Hitman – Terror in Israel: Should Israel Just Give Up? [audio]

Why haven't we heard world condemnations against the truck-ramming terror attack on Sunday that killed 4?

Israelis Abandoned by Their Government! A Solution for the Rocket Problem! – Political Hitman...

Howie believes that a country's government has the responsibility to defend their citizens. Hundreds of thousands of missiles have fallen on the heads of civilians since 2005 and the Israeli government has not solved the problem. Howie has a solution.

THE PLO-RUSSIA HOAX That Took The World….and Trump’s State of the Union Speech –...

Howie reviews President Donald J. Trump's 2019 State of the Union Address and then exposes the PLO for what they are, a KGB creation whose sole intention was the destruction of the State of Israel.


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